Not again

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I get to the sheriff department and she him again

H hi Sheriff what's up

K I am whats up

H oh you again what can I do for you

K let me leave this place or I will tell your boss what you are and did to my girlfriend and child

NH you don't need to she told us herself

K she did and your not scared of her

W no we are not and Wynonna points peacemaker at him

H oww stop it hurt

WE Wynonna stop

W oh shit sorry I forgot

K yeah but I can still kill them

Kelton starts to walk towards Waverly and Wynonna and Nicole but I stop him by sifting

Demon voice H not you dear hurt them I will kill you

N Harper started to lose vision and ript the guy to bits

W Harper Harper wake up

NH Harper

WE call a ambulance

H no not I am fine

W I thought you

H die nope

W but you killed him to save us

H I know can I get a drink please

WE yeah here you go

N Harper starts to drink

H I need my mends

NH here you go

N Harper takes the mention and syringe and ingredient it In herself. Her eyes starts to glow blue

Well the was unforgettable

wynonna earp/wayhaught/my one character Where stories live. Discover now