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As Stephano and Felix showed you and Piggeh they way to get to the lower levels of the giant mansion, a thought occurred to you.
"Does this guy know we're here?" you asked Stephano.
"It's possible," he hummed. "Perhaps he may have even brought the both of you here."
"But why would he?"
Piggeh shrugged. "The guy's nuts. He probably wants something from you two or maybe just wants you dead."
"Thanks for the kind words," Felix said sarcastically. "Really helping the team morale."
His sarcastic comment sparked a bickering between the two of them. This went on for a great deal of time until you and Stephano had had enough.
You clasped your hand over Felix's mouth, as Stephano grabbed Piggeh's arm and whispered some harsh words in his ear.
As blissful as the silence was compared to their arguing, you felt unsettled as your group descended into the lower levels of the mansion. It was musty and damp and cold. You slipped your arm around Felix's arm and squeezed tightly.
"You okay?" he asked quietly, glancing down at you.
You nodded, but there was still fear etched into your features. He gave you a goofy grin - his version of a reassuring smile and you felt a bit better.
Suddenly, there was a loud clang from one of the side passages, and everyone jumped. You pressed yourself harder to Felix, trying to get away from the noise.
"What was that?" Piggeh whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Nothing good," Stephano answered, gravely. He took a torch off the wall and illuminated the entrance of the passage. "Maybe I should go look."
"No," Felix protested, letting go of you and turning to face him. "That's the worst idea you have had. Just keep moving."
There was another clang. It wasn't as loud, but it was definitely closer.
"C'mon, we need somewhere to hide!" he hissed, pushing Stephano forwards. Piggeh took your hand and pulled you along.
The four of you tried to quietly and quickly get through the area, in need of a hiding spot. The clanging noise could still be heard, much faster now. What ever was making it was following you. You were pulled into a dark room and ushered behind groups of barrels. Stephano extinguished the torch and the three other men joined you.
It was silent for a while, you found someone's hand and gripped it tightly in the dark. The clanging went passed the door, thankfully not even stopped. Everyone sat quietly while it receded into the darkness.
"I think it's gone," Stephano said, and you heard him stand up. "We should get moving again.
You stood, still gripping tightly to the hand you held. You knew it was Felix's, it was warm and soft the way his were always.
You could hear shuffling and followed it, knowing it would lead to the door. You waited behind Stephano and Piggeh to get out. You still couldn't see, but Felix was behind you still gripping your hand. He must've been more frightened than you.
When the door finally opened and it was your turn to step out, Felix tugged your hand, pulling you into him.
"What are you doing?" you asked, agitated. "We need to get out of here."
"_____?" you heard Felix call, but it was from outside in the main passage. Whatever you had been holding definitely wasn't him.
You screamed, trying to pull away from whatever had you, but he was strong. You pulled backward, tripped and falling out the door, bringing what you once thought was Felix with you. As light spilled around you, you looked up to see who was on top of you.
It was a boy, teenaged, with brown hair and equally brown eyes. He smiled down at you with malice. He stood quickly, pulling you up and holding your wrist. You looked over to Felix, who was a mix between stunned and pissed off.
"Barrel," he growled, stepping towards him. You'd never seen him look so mad. "Let her go."
"Oh, but she has taken to me so well," he said, grinning. "Held my hand the entire time we sat in there."
You glared at him, trying again to pull away. "I thought you were someone else."
"That doesn't matter," Barrel said, pulling you back down the passage. "I have you now. That's all I was asked to do."
All three men stepped closer, like they were about to attack. If you weren't so terrified, it would've been sweet.
"Ah ah ah," Barrel smiled, pulling out a long knife. It glinted in the dim light, and he held it close to your neck. "I wouldn't do that it I were you."
All the anger in Felix's eyes fell out, replaced with worry now. "Please don't," he pleaded.
"Begging now?" the brown haired man laughed. "How appropriate, but unhelpful."
Barrel pulled you down the hallway, deeper into the dungeon. "If you follow, I'll kill her and you," he threatened to the boys. "So take your chances."
He pulled you into the darkness, leaving them standing there. A few minutes past where they stood there dumbfounded, then they began to argue.
"We have to go after her!" Felix demanded. "We've waited long enough. We can just sneak up of him and grab her."
"But then what?" Piggeh interjected. "I'm sure that knife isn't the only weapon he has. And he said he'd kill her. You'd be digging her grave if it failed."
"We're doing the same just standing here and doing nothing!"
"Both of you, stop," Stephano cut in, his voice low and serious. "You're both right, we're in a tough situation. But we need to continue on, since chances are that Barrel is taking her to Baron Alexander. We'll end up in the same place."
Felix didn't like the idea of you being alone with either of them. "What if they hurt her or something?" he asked.
"All the more reason to get down there faster," Piggeh answered. "There is no point in trying to follow them."
"Come on, let's get moving," Stephano said.

"Where are we going?" you hissed when he put away his knife. He had you in front of him, holding your hands behind your back.
"Don't worry about it," he said, his voice full of cockiness. "It's none of your concern."
"It is, considering I'm going there," you growled, jerking your hands but to no avail. "Now tell me."
Barrel laughed. "You've got some fight in you. How cute."
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, it's damn precious."
He smirked, stopping and pulling you into him. "I wish I had gotten to you sooner," he whispered in your ear. "You'd be a lot of fun."
You shivered, feeling his breath against you skin. You were frozen now, too scared to run. "I'm glad you didn't," you said.
He chuckled moving to your side now. He gripped your hand tightly and pulled you along. "Why is that?"
"You literally just took me from my friends and won't tell me where you're taking me," you sassed. "I think it's pretty obvious why."
"We're going to the dungeons," Barrel answered.
"That's where we were trying to go," you said exasperatedly. "You didn't need to take me."
"Well, I had orders to," he said nonchalantly. "Besides, I couldn't just go the same way your friends are. What fun would that be? So now we're taking the back way."
"The back way?" you asked. You assumed that there was only one way down there.
"Yeah, Alexander thinks I don't know it," Barrel grinned. "So that gives us ample time to spare..."
You didn't understand what he meant. "Spare?" you asked innocently. "Doing what?"
He pulled you into a room, shutting the door and slamming your back against it. "What ever I want," he grinned, his face only inches from yours.
You turned your face away, trying to widen the space between. It wouldn't have been so disturbing had he been kinder to you. He was by no means unattractive, you thought, feeling instantly bad for the boys you had left behind. They were worried sick and you were thinking about your kidnappers looks.
"What's wrong dear?" he laughed. "You had no problem holding my hand in that room. What's so different now?"
"I thought you were Felix in that room," you explained. "I wouldn't have a problem if you were him."
Those words slipped out before you thought about it.
"Ah, I see...you like that blond boy," Barrel grinned. "No wonder he was trying to protect you."
"Felix would protect me no matter what my feelings," you defended. "He's a good guy. Better than you."
He growled, slamming you into the door again. "You shut up. I'm better than that idiot. And I can prove it to you."
He pressed himself against you, his lips skimming yours. You squirmed under his touch, trying to get away. He held you tightly though and you couldn't fight him off.
"Just pretend I'm one of your boys," he laughed darkly before kissing you. Against your better judgement, you actually tried, but his kiss felt nothing like what any of theirs would. It had no care or passion, only lust.
You didn't kiss back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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