Chapter One: School

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I yawned as I struggled to keep my head up off the desk. I had one earbud in and was blasting Black Veil Brides as loud as I dared. The teacher droned on about square roots on variables and how to solve them. Unfortunately, to the wonders of my self-diagnosed ADD, I couldn't keep myself interested. At this point I was focusing on the way my left lip ring felt on my lip and the way the rain sounded. The bell rang as soon as I realized the piercing holes for my lip rings were bleeding again. I jumped up and out of the class and to the bathroom.

"Shit. Ow," I muttered as I carefully took out the sensitive loops off my bottom lip.

I had just gotten my snake bites pierced last week. I've been wanting them forever, and now I was paying the temporary price for such beautiful things. I rinsed the blood off of the rings in the bathroom sink then gently dabbed at the small bleeding holes under my lip with a wet napkin. It stopped bleeding. I carefully started to slide the lip rings back in. I had managed to get one in, before I was shoved away from the mirror. I slid the other lip ring into my pocket and looked up and my main bully's girlfriend, Jessica.

Dramatic as fuck I know. But yeah. She was a fucking bitch.

She sneered at me then glanced at the blood in the sink, then smirked.

"Oh? Did little emo freak cut herself? Please tell me you did it right and you're bleeding to death this moment," she said tiredly. I rolled my eyes.

"No. I just slit your precious boyfriends throat and he's in the bathroom stall at thus moment, gurgling his own blood," I said flatly. She looked at me horrified.

"You fucking freak. I hope you kill yourself tonight so I won't have to see your ugly face again," she said. I sighed and walked out, slipping my other lip ring back on as I left.

I reshuffled my playlist and continued to blare my music as loud as possible in my ears. I was certain I'd be legally deaf by the time I was thirty. I chuckled to myself and then realized I made a wrong turn in the hall. Fak. I turned around instantly and ended up behind two preppy bitches who looked at me then back each other chuckling.

"Ew she's following us! Creep," one tall and ridiculously skinny girl with faded shit-brown hair muttered, laughing to her friend. They made a turn into the bathroom, still laughing. I returned the earphone to my ear that I had pulled out. I regret pulling it out...

The rest of the day was about the same. Once school ended, I made my way out to wait on the buses. Yes, I am sixteen and have my drivers license, but I'm waiting till my mom gets a new car so I can have hers. I just couldn't wait.

I waited on the buses and tapped my foot to the beat of my song when my bus passed me. I ran after it and caught it before she drove away.

"Be faster next time!" the bus driver scolded. I nodded and took a seat.

When I got home my mom was still at work so I decided I would walk around the neighbor hood.

I put my book bag up in my room and pulled on my Jack Skellington hoodie and put my earphones back in. I fixed my hair. My hair was dyed black and had one blood red streak in the bangs and it was short. Just above my shoulders. I grabbed my Batman key chain and left the house. I locked the door and then started walking down the street to the park.

As I was walking I noticed a guy standing by the park bench. He was alone, from what I saw. I saw his shirt. He was wearing a misfits shirt and his black hair hung is his face, and he bite down on his lip rings. I shrugged and walked over.

"Hey," I called out. He lifted his head and looked at me. Damn he was tall. "I like your shirt. You like the Misfits?"

He smirked and walked closer to me, looking down in my direction. He had to be at least 6'3. And compared to my 5'7, I felt small. He nodded.

"Yeah. What about you?" he asked.

"Fuck yes. They're amazing."

He smiled at my response then looked around. "You want to sit down?" he asked casually. I shrugged and nodded. We sat down on a nearby bench I looked at him through my bangs.

"Whats your name?" I asked. He didn't look at me.

"Jeff..." He trailed off. Then looked up at me with a crooked smile. "What's yours?"

"Jay," I said. "My full name is Jayce but yeah." He nodded.

"Two J names. Fun," he said tiredly. I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah," I said. I stood up and looked at him. "Let's swing."

He looked at me for a moment then laughed quietly. "Alright."

I walked over to the swing sets and sat down on the farthest one and started swinging. Jeff looked at me with an amused smile before swinging in the swing beside me.

"So," I said. "What are you doing at a park by yourself?" I asked. It was a pointless question but I was curious.

He shrugged. "I was bored." I just nodded and kept swinging. BVB was still playing and their new album came on and I was listening to Heart Of Fire and I was sure my chest was going to explode I was having so many orgasms in my heart.

"What are you listening to?" Jeff asked.

"Black Veil Brides," i said. He nodded.

"I love them," he stated. I looked up at him.

"Really? Awesome," I smiled. He smiled back.

"Wait do you go to school? How old are you?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah I do. And I'm 17," he told me.

"Do you go to school with me?"

"I should. I probably just never see you. You're a senior, right?" he asked.

"No, I'm 16. I'm a junior," I said. He nodded again.

"Ah. That's probably why," he said. I shrugged.

We talked for awhile before I got a text from my mom saying she was home and bought pizza. I stood up.

"Dude I'm leaving haha. My mom has pizza," I said. Jeff looked at me and smiled.

"Ok. Hey, do you want to try to meet up at school tomorrow?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. Where do you go in the morning?" I asked.

"I hide in the main gym," he told me. I nodded again.

"Ok I'll go there. Bye," I said. He waved and I walked down the street and across the corner to my house. I walked in and smelled pizza.

"Ooh," I said in admiration. I took a slice and ate it in a second before I got two more and sat down next to my mom. My dad works out of state so.

"How are you?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Fine. What about you?" she smiled. I shrugged.

The rest of the night we watched Batman before I went up to my room. I was supposed to be going to bed but that was physically impossible. I turned on my small lamp and sat in my bed with my note book. I angrily stabbed at the paper with my pen, wishing it was a knife and I was stabbing myself in the chest. I had to get it out. I had to.

LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!! I did NOTHING to you you're nothing but a demon in my soul. You tear me apart and study my insides for your own enjoyment. Fuck you all. LEAVE. ME. ALONE!!!

I sighed and closed my book, throwing it into my desk and I fell into my bed, slightly crying. I gripped at my wrists.

No. No. NO.

I wasn't going to do that.

I found my rubber band and pulled it onto my wrist before pulling it back and popping it on it over and over and over until there was blood red spots and bruises everywhere. I sighed and cried a little more. I don't know what I did to deserve this...

I laid back in my bed and closed my eyes. I had my earphones in so I played my music as loud as possible and feel asleep to it.


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