A Favour

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A/N: I'm going to be doing the rest fo these prompts into February at this rate.

(Karashuu Day 3 Prompt: Fake Dating)

Pt 3 of the One-shot series: That universe where Karma and Asano are brothers and everyone else suffers because of it.


He found out about it when he was twelve.

Karma scowled, staring out of the window while the rain dripped down. The sky was dark and grey, with the street lamps turning on when it started to hit 8pm.

"I don't need you getting me in trouble with the courts, Karma." His mom tapped her fingers against the wheel, her red hair tied up and primmed l like she's just gotten out of a meeting, which is how she often looked these days since he couldn't remember when she'd last had a day off. "Your father keeps complaining enough that you're causing trouble at school."

He glared at the cars passing by. "It's not like he cares anyway." He shrugged. "Dad didn't even speak to me the last time I visited, and all Gakushuu does is study in his room..."

It's not like he even had a room at his dad's anymore anyway, it was like everything in the house that was his had been erased or painted over.

Even Gakushuu barely even spoke to him while he was there, and at school, he acted like he didn't exist. All his brother seemed to do was stay studying or be out doing some important extracurricular activity outside of school.

Karma scowled, his chest hurting when he remembered after he'd gotten into a big fight with someone at school his brother had firmly denied knowing him when asked by his classmates. 

His mom sighed, pulling u to some red light. "I don't want to hear it, Karma." She frowned, checking her phone when it beeped in the holder. "You're going. You're spending the night, and if Gakushuu's says you've run off again then I'm taking away your video games."

Karma gripped his backpack on his back tight, glaring at the outside. "...Yeah, whatever."

Why was he the one being forced to stay at dad's? Gakushuu wasn't forced to visit him and his mom every once a month, so why did Karma have to?

His mom was barley listening, texting on her phone until a car behind beeped her when she'd waited at the green lights too long. "Gakushuu will be finishing up Cram school so head to your father's with him. I'll be at home, so don't try to come back."

He didn't reply, ignoring her. She sighed, shaking her head as she pulled into the grey looking building parking lot and turned the engine off.

Karma opened the door as soon as it was unlocked. "Bye then."

His mom scowled at him, texting on her phone again. "Don't forget your umbrella," she tossed him the umbrella when he opened the door and hopped out. "And don't cause any trouble!"

"Yeah, I know." Karma shut the door behind him, getting wet when he opted to just run towards the cram school instead of bothering to put his umbrella up.

He shook his head to get to water drops off, his feet wet when he stepped into the sterile and boring looking building. There were a few later classes going on but most of the classrooms were empty since some students had finished and gone home.

Karma looked around, trying to find his brother's usual classroom. He sighed, clicking his tongue as he walked down the halls trying to find a familiar but annoying face.

Why did Gakushuu need to go to Cram school when all he did was study anyway?

He scowled faintly when he remembered the latest scores released in the second term at school, Gakushuu had been first again – not that he cared though. He never studied as much as Gakushuu and still got good grades, wasn't that meant to be more impressive?

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