Chapter 2 - Can't Be Real...

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Chapter 2 – Can’t Be Real…

It was dark, the images were blurred; but I knew I heard a voice calling to me; “Felicity… Felicity…Felicity…

I sat upright with a jolt, my head spinning with the speed I’d moved at… and then the room came into focus. It was dark out, so It was night. Was it the same night as before I’d lost consciousness? My stomach growled signalling its pained hunger. So I guess that answers that question. I swallowed nervously and checked myself over. I didn’t appear physically harmed… or feel it. The only thing I felt was a little off was that my neck was slightly stiff, but if I’d been out cold for a day or so then that explained that.

Curiously, I looked about the room. The far wall was covered in books, several DVD stands stood by the window, and a rather large television hung from the wall opposite the foot of the bed. It was now I noticed other things that were amiss. My gaze travelled down from the TV on the wall to the foot of the bed where I could see my left foot outside the blankets…and for good reason, it seemed. I cringed at the fact I could now see my left ankle was chained to the foot of the bed, but I was more concerned with the fact that, as the bed covers fell away and a rush of cold air hit me, my clothes had been replaced by a mere flimsy nighty. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real... and yet it was.

With a glance towards the door, I tugged lightly at the cuff chaining my ankle to the bed; freezing at how much noise the metal made when I yanked on it… but I had to at least try, right? So I yanked my foot again, the metal biting into my flesh in a manner that would no doubt bruise later, but it didn’t matter. I heard movement out in the hall and froze… until I heard feet approaching the room I was in and began pulling helplessly on the chain with my hands, trying to twist and break the small metal links so at least I could move across the room if they came in. I had no such luck. The door to the room banged open and a hiss emanated from one of the men standing there.

“I really wouldn’t.” I recognised Ricky Olson’s voice and swallowed thickly.

“Oh, leave her be…” I heard Devin’s quiet voice chastise Ricky’s. “She’s frightened.”

“She has a name, and she can hear you.” I snapped, earning another hiss from Ricky.

“Why couldn’t you just have come with us?” Ricky’s voice implored almost gently before chuckling darkly. “We would’ve been gentle with you.”

“Ricky!” Chris’s voice snarled and I cringed back, clutching the bed covers against myself as Chris’s tall figure stepped hesitantly into the room. “Ignore him… he doesn’t know when to hold his tongue at the best of times.”

“This being, what? The worst of times?” I countered, trying to get as far away as possible without further injuring my ankle.

“I’m sure that hurts…” Chris stated, ignoring my last comment and pointing to my ankle with on hand as he produced a key with his other. “I could unlock it if you promise to be good…”

I scoffed and glowered back at him. “Eat garlic.”

“Ooh! She knows the lingo!” Ricky laughed. “Point to the girl who recognises a vampire when she sees one!”

“Fuck off, Olson!” I sneered, then yelped as Chris yanked me back across the bed and pinned my hands over my head, chuckling as I struggled. “Get off me!”

He snarled and met my gaze, his eyes glowing gold for a split second and a smirk tripping across his face as my body relaxed. “No.”

I felt myself begin to shake slightly as he continued to stare down at me. “Wh…what did you just do to me?” my eyes widened as he chuckled darkly. “What are you going to do with me?”

“Oh, so many delicious things, my precious.” Chris chuckled again as he sat back, my body still limp and unable to move as he dragged his hand down my front and along my leg to my ankle. “But, for now…” he trailed off and I felt the pressure from the cuff around my ankle vanish, clenching my teeth together to keep from making a sound as he held the ankle cuff up for me to see. “I think you need a time out.”

A breath of relief escaped me as Chris stood to leave, but I froze again as he looked back at the sound; feeling and tension coming back to my limbs as he watched me for a brief moment before turning to go again, and I sat up slowly.

“Wait!” I called after him and he froze in the doorway, Ricky looking past him at me curiously. “Can’t I at least know why I’m here…” I swallowed as I said the final word. “Alive?”

He didn’t move, didn’t speak, and the silence between myself and the vampires in the doorway became ever more pregnant and uncomfortably fearful… and then, finally, he replied. “Ever heard the saying ‘there’s someone out there for everyone… you just need to find them’?” he asked quietly and, even though he couldn’t see my response, I nodded. “Think along those lines… and you may just figure it out.”

“Of course, because being cryptic is easier than being helpful.” I huffed as I felt the bruising already forming on my ankle and pulled my leg closer to inspect it.

“Depends on your point of view, precious.” Chris murmured in response as he turned and clasped the doorhandle firmly, eyes flashing dangerously as he cast a last glance over me. “And I’d get used to that bed if I were you…” he smirked as he closed the door. “You won’t be leaving it for a while…”

I stood as the door shut and the lock snapped back into place, storming over and kicking the wood panelling with a frustrated shout, several choice words leaving my lips as pain coursed through my foot and I realised how bad an idea that had actually been. But, as I went back to the bed and sat there hugging myself, I realised that Chris thought I was for him; and nothing and no one would be the means of my escaping his clutches.

In other words, I was fucked… or, going from what he’d said just now, I would be…
Ello all my lovely, lovely readers! So sorry this took me so long to bloody update but I have had the worst case of writers block you will ever hear about...ever! lol, okay, maybe not as bad as that, but still fairly bad. Anyway, here is a new chapter fr you guys, I hope you like it!

Much love to you all,

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