mattheo riddle

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aurora-hey Bonnie didn't you hear
bonnie-hear what
aurora-there's this new boy coming to hogwarts everyone is talking about it
bonnie-oh really
aurora-yup so how are you and your boyfriend
bonnie -I don't have a boyfriend
aurora-we are not gonna ignore the fact that Kai Parker is totally in to you
bonnie-I am not dating a socio path
aurora-whatever you say
bonnie rolls her eyes and you guys sit at y'all's table and you see and boy with fluffy hair and glasses smiling at you, you just smile back and put your head down then you put your head up and see a white haired boy walking over to your table
draco-Harry I see you looking at my lady
Harry-I wasn't-
draco-don't lie now Potter
Harry stayed silent
I stood up and faced Draco
Draco-hello gorgeou-
I slapped Draco
aurora-we are over Draco
Draco got up and grabbed my wrist
aurora-let me go Draco
Draco-aurora your a slut
then you see a curly haired boy punch Draco he looked up he must have been a new boy because I've never seen him before
??-are you ok?
aurora-I'm fine
Draco gets up
Draco-who the hell do you think you are
??-mattheo riddle the new kid
mattheo punched Draco again
And Draco ran away
your eyes got watery and you got a flashback
aurora-Tom don't hurt me please
Tom-oops sorry your mommy and daddy aren't here to save you cry all you want nobody will save you, you b*tch
then Tom took his knife out your eyes started getting watery
aurora-t-t-tom please
Tom grabbed your arm and you struggled to get out of his grip Tom then got his knife out and started to carve into your arm "t+a" you started to scream and all of sudden everything went black and you woke up and you were in the hospital Harry saved me and ever since then Harry has had a crush on me
~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~
mattheo-hey are you ok ?
aurora-get away from me
you said running away crying
I saw him running after me
bonnie-leave her alone new kid
mattheo-did I do something wrong ?
bonnie-you don't know ?
mattheo-know what
bonnie-your brother tortured her because he was obsessed with her
mattheo-omg I have to go say sorry to her
bonnie-new boy you don't have t-
mattheo was running and he finally found me in my dorm I forgot to close the door he opened it and saw a window where I was sitting a reading a book and he saw my bed with gray sheets and a comfortable blanket and he saw a wall covered pictures of me and my parents me abs my uncle me and Draco me and Caroline and bonnie and Jeremy and etc he also saw vines led lights and a galaxy projector and a iPad,Apple watch,iPhone XR and iPad and a smart TV and etc
mattheo-I-I just wanted to say sorry for what my brother did to you I had no idea
aurora-no idea? He nearly killed Me
mattheo-well I never really was around my brother our parents died right in front of our eyes so he basically raised me but then he turned bad and he started abusing me so that's when I packed up and left and I had to teach myself how to fight and stuff and I turned until a killer and I was never safe until I came here and I-
aurora-it's ok mattheo

I reached out to give him a hug and he hugged me tightly he seemed like he needed it then Draco came in and I pulled away quick

draco-your such a slut we broke up today and your already with someone else

aurora-Draco I-

mattheo-oh shut up Draco it wasn't even like that she was giving me a hug because I told her about something personal you don't have to be a jerk about it

Draco-trust me she'll never want you and you probably don't want her either after she tells you her secret

aurora-Draco shut up

mattheo-what secret?

Draco-go on tell him aurora

aurora-well I'm a ..

Draco-speak up slut

mattheo-shut up

aurora-I'm a vampire

Mattheo backed away and ran out
I ran after him

aurora-Mattheo wait

Mattheo-w-wha h-how

aurora-meet me in my dorm at 7 don't be late

Mattheo walked away And I walked back to my dorm
I was taking to bonnie (me and bonnie share a dorm there is just a door which leads to bonnies room) I heard a knock at the door
bonnie-that's my cue to go
bonnie gets up and opens the door which leads to her room
I then get up and open the door
I look up and see Mattheo with his wet curly hair
aurora-hey come in

Mattheo steps in

aurora-is it ok if I call you theo?

Mattheo-yeah sure

aurora-so umm what do you wanna know

Mattheo-how did you,you know turn it a vampire

aurora-well my uncle,dad,aunt and etc were vampires but my mom and dad and uncle died humans along story so when I was born I was born human and my family tried their best to keep me a human but a woman named Katerina Petrova turned into a vampire

Mattheo-how did she turn you ?

aurora-well she kidnapped me and gave me her blood and killed nevando when I woke up I was in transition


aurora-yeah so now I live here in hogwarts and ofc bonnie my roommate

mattheo-is that her name bonnie ?

aurora-yeah she was my moms best friend but now she's mine

Mattheo-oh she seems nice

aurora-she can be when she wants to

mattheo-well do you play any sports

aurora-well I use to play soccer,basketball and football back in my home town but then I moved

mattheo-football?impressive most girls don't play football

aurora-I don't get why it's a fun sport

mattheo-yeah well what was your home town like ?

aurora-murder mysteries,animal attacks

Theo stayed quiet

aurora-well I'm gonna go to sleep so

Theo-oh yeah sure it was nice talking to you

aurora-goodnight theo


Theo left and closed the door and I put pajamas on and but my skin care on and out my music I go to sleep to and I just started thinking

What if Theo is the one I'm looking for I have a feeling about him I just don't know I mean he is cute but he's special he's not like Draco but what do I know I just met him oh no I sound like a whore I think I ... I like Theo

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