Anywhere But Here

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For reals doe, do not take any of this seriously I'm writing it purely for fun and because I love writing.

~Dear Jake

I'm sorry but I never wanted this life I actually wanted to live and be free if I stay I will never have the life I want. I'm not sorry for leaving but I am sorry for not saying goodbye in person but I know you would just convince me to stay. Please say goodbye to everyone else for me okay?


P.S. If dad asks then yes I did steal his money =) Love you guys.

My hands shook as I placed the note down on his pillow. I tipped my head back blinking wildly but it didn't stop the tears from rolling casually down my face, I wiped them away frantically as I picked up my bag and took the stairs two at a time fleeing out the front door. I could honestly say I hated our house it was big enough for 10 people and it was a house that everyone at school wished they had but to me I didn't want a big shiny house I just wanted a home with people who loved me, I haven't had that since I was 6 and officially no longer little and cute, I was annoying and ungrateful.

Oh and here we find 3 lovely gleaming cars but are any of them mine? No of course not don't be stupid.

Yeah, I didn't have a car since it was apparently more important for my brothers to have them even though they were younger, so what if they actually went places pfft, I have friends, I do stuff. At times like this I could truly see that I was my parents least favourite child they would always yell at me when I failed on a test or if I got bad grades saying that I put no effort into anything I did but if one of my brothers went badly my parents didn't even bat an eyelash they were the three perfect little angels and I was just an inconvenience, the families black cat.

I took my phone out of my pocket and sent a quick text to Alix

-Please tell me that you are almost here I need out, like now!

I probably should have given him more warning I but after having a fight with dad last night I couldn't spend much longer there, I was done and Alix was probably my only ticket out of here.

He responded quite quickly for someone who was meant to be paying attention to the road, if he died I had to stay in the place.

-I'm almost there no need for stress

Oh thank god I thought to myself another day in this town and I'm pretty sure that the walls would have started closing in. It's kind of funny, when I was 6 I was totally convinced that this was my one and only home that I would stay here for the rest of my life grow old get a high paying job and then die in the place I was born but now that just seems like a nightmare that almost became my reality.

Alix's blue ute rounded the corner. He had spent every waking hour working at a fish co-op to be able to afford the car. His parents had refused to buy him another after he "accidentally" crashed his pretty little car on New Year's Eve last year, since then the ute which I called Dory was his prised possession. I felt my shoulders slump with relief, he was here, I was safe.

"Seriously, you're only bringing a backpack? I thought girls were all about over packing" he laughed.

I couldn't bring myself to smile, I tried I really did but I think the wind changed and my face just didn't want to move.

"Hey" he said looking worried, "It doesn't have to be goodbye forever. We can just go for a joyride, drink a little and come straight back if that's what you want."

You know the best friend psychic thing, where your best friend just instantly know your mood and what's wrong, well I think mine is broken or he's just stupid, it was almost laughable that he thought I was crying because I would miss this place, he couldn't be further away. The only emotion I was able to feel was relief it was so great and overwhelming that I just couldn't stop the tears from falling, it was like this great weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I was a happy little cloud with no problems. I wiped my tears away and turned to him my smile finally managing to breaking through,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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