The deal

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It was a rainy Sunday; the giant squid swam joyfully in the lake next to the well-lit castle. Down in the dungeons, a girl sat near the window watching the raindrops race down the glass. She sighed.

"Oh my god Blaise, I wish I was getting laid right now." The boy next to her gave her a look. What the fuck.

"Not by you, dumbass!" she responded quickly, with a chuckle.

"By Cho, I assume?" Blaise said.

"Shut up! Admit it, you wish you were getting laid too." The girl said with a smile.

"Yes..." Blaise sighed.

"Let me guess. By Cormac? It's not like you tell me every day about your huge crush on him."

"Yes..." said Blaise again, quietly. "But actually, any guy in the castle will do."

"You're right, everybody in this castle is so damn hot. Let's make a deal. Whoever gets laid last must go to the Yule-bale with Greg. He's always available anyway."

"But I thought you were going to be my partner, Raven!"

"I guess it's Greg now." The girl smirked.

"We'll see about that. May the best player win." And he gave her a wink and looked down at his watch.

"Oh shit, I gotta go!" Raven frowned at him.

"Uh I forgot my broom at practice earlier today."

"Yeah right, you didn't even have practice today. I know we made that deal, but I didn't expect you to try this hard." She laughed. "I'll wait for you in the common room, have fun!"


It's hard to get into another one's common room, everybody knew that. That's why Cormac had come up with another plan. He was going to give the piece of paper to Blaise, the only Slytherin he ever trusted. They had planned a meeting outside the potions classroom, after dinner.

Cormac had been waiting there for almost an hour, before Blaise casually walked around the corner, but when the boy came closer Cormac saw his heart pounding in his chest, as if he had been running.

"Where have you been? I've been waiting for an hour!" Cormac said, irritated.

"I forgot, that's all." Blaise looked at the cold stone floor. How could he have forgotten his meeting with Cormac? He could throw himself into the lake, for all he cared.

"Here's the message." Cormac said, handing Blaise a small piece of paper. "You know where to deliver it." He said with a quick nod, before walking away.


Raven had been reading Yes Glitter in the common room for a while when Blaise finally came back. She opened her mouth, about to make a comment about how long it took. But Blaise walked straight to the dorm and before she could say anything, he was gone again. She raised her eyebrows.

"Whatever." She sighed, but she couldn't contain her curiosity and followed him. When she arrived at the dorm, Blaise was walking away from Draco's bed.

"What were you doing at Draco's bed?" She asked. Blaise hadn't noticed that she followed him, and her question startled him.

"That's none of your business, Raven."

"Well, Blaise, you have been acting very sneaky lately. You're my best friend, you can tell me anything."

"I know, it's not about that. Don't worry about it, okay? Let's go play some games in the common room and enjoy our last day of the weekend. I'm gonna go take a piss first, though."

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