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"Looks like the princess has finally awoken "

I shoved Rhys away from me and made my way over to the breakfast bar.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Didn't you miss me?"

"Not overly," I stated bluntly.

He let out a gasp and placed a hard over his heart with a fake look of hurt on his face.

"Oh how you wound me."

"Suck it up."

He let out a laugh and hugged my shoulders from behind and ruffled up my hair.

"Get off me asshole," I tried shoving his arms off me in vain.

He let out a laugh and placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Ew your so gross Rhys!" I recoiled and wiped the spot with the back of my sleeve.

"Love you too Kie," he blew a kiss in my direction as he walked around the kitchen island and grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster.

Rhys was one of our closest friends and hand been for years, he was a real ladies man and never missed an opportunity to flirt. He was harmless though.

"Are you coming to the bonfire tonight?" I questioned as he sat down with his jam and toast.

"No way I'd miss it," he spoke with a month full of food, causing me to scrunch my nose up in disgust.

Like I said, a real ladies man.

"Morning guys," Kian spoke as he walked in with a sleepy JJ not far behind him.

We greeted the both and JJ came and sat down next to me, laying his head on the table.

I did the same, facing him and he cracked an eye open, giving me a suspicious look.

"JJ," I spoke with my sweetest voice.

"What do you want?" He questioned already knowing that I was after something.

"Can you give me a ride to Coltons Thursday?" I asked hopeful.

"I thought he was on vacation with his family?" Kian asked.

'He is but he gets back wedresday," I explained.

"Your still with that doosh?" JJ scrunched his eyebrows together and gave me a questioning stare.

I rolled my eyes at his comment "Yes, I am actually," replied emphazizing the 'yes.'

"Why?" He asked like it was the stupidest thing he had heard.

I rolled my eyes and replied, "because I like him now, will you give me a ride or not?"

"No" he sad and picked his head off the table.

I gave him an exasperated look and sat up aswell. "Why not?"

"I'm busy." came his came excuse.

"Doing what? "I questioned.


"What stuff?" I pushed.

"Getting high." He gave me innocent smile as Kian placed plates filled with food infront of us all.

"Can I join?" Rhys interjected, shovelling a forkful of scrambled eggs down his throat, didn't he already have breakfast? Swear that boy has a bottomless pit for a stomach

"You can do that after dropping in off," I tried to negotiate.

"It's still a no," he wasn't budging.

"JJ please," I resorted to begging.

He looked at me for a moment whist chewing his food and I chose that moment to bring out the puppy eyes.

"Stop that," he glared.

"Stop what?" I played innocent.

"That face, stop it," he poked my cheek.

"I'm not doing a face."

"Yes you are, now stop it," he mushed my cheeks together with one hand.

"Only if you agree to drive me to Coltons." I reasoned with my voice coming out weird due to my cheeks still being squished.

The look at me for a moment conger before finally giving in with a roll of his eyes, " fine but you owe me."

"Thank you,"I smiled up at him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Yeah yeah," he smiled slightly and shook his head at my excitedness.

"Kiara eat your food, "Kian spoke up, and I looked down at the platefilled with scrambled eggs and hash browns.

"It's too early, "I pulled a face and pushed the plate away from myself, only for Kian to push it back.

"At least try and eat a little," he pleaded.

"Fine," I mumbled and picked up my fork.

L do love food but I had never had a big appetite, if I ate too much it would only make me feel sick and I would sometimes end up puking.

Kian said I had been like that ever since I was a baby, but it still concerns him.

Later in the day I was changing into one of my brothers shirts and a pair of shorts, ready to head out to the bonfire.

"You ready to go?" Kian asked as he stood at my door.

"Yeah, one sec," I grabbed a pair of sandals and slipped them on before following Kian out the door.

"Alrighty, lets get goin," JJ twirled his car keys around his fingers as we met him and Rhys at the front door.

"Dude your not driving," Kian said.

"Why not?" JJ questioned.

"Because, we're all going to be drinking, which means they'll be no one to drive the car back."

JJ agreeing with Kian rolled his eyes and put the keys back on the shelf, "fine, we'll walk."

"Good idea," Kian smiled and patted him on the back, before opening the front door.

Rhys placed his arm over my shoulder, sending me a wink as we both followed the other two out the door.

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