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"He's so much older than me, he's everything I'm insecure about."

Jisung stood at his locker putting books away. He blew air up on his face, trying to get his dark hair away from his eyes. He felt tired of learning things he felt were useless to what he wanted to do in life, which was producing and song writing. Jisung really didn't feel the need to know how many chromosomes a person had or how to find the derivative of an equation. The only thing he really looked forward to at school was seeing his boyfriend.

"Hey Sungie." Speak of the devil.

Jisung turned to face his boyfriend, and a smile of content casted itself across his features.

"Hey hyu- who's this?" Jisung almost didn't notice the blonde boy next to Minho. He was a little bit shorter than Minho, but just around his own height. He sported curly hair, and a kind smile with dimples that compliment it. He looked pretty built, maybe from a love for sports or constant gym visits. The stranger looked like someone you would easily spot at the beach, riding the ocean waves on a surf board.

"Oh!" Minho scratched his head. "This is Chan hyung! He's new here." Minho smiled and put his hand on Chan's right shoulder. Jisung gulped at the sight in front of him. More specifically the hand of his boyfriend that rested on top of this boy's shoulder.

Chan smiled brightly at Jisung. He reached his hand out to Jisung. "Hello, I'm Chan." Jisung had his mouth a little agape as he slowly reached out to shake Chan's hand.

"I'm Jisung..." Jisung was unsure about Chan's oddly bright demeanor. Jisung felt a little guilty questioning the boy and his character only a minute into meeting him. Something about him didn't radiate as genuine as Minho seemed to think.

"Minho, where do you want to go today? It's Wednesday, we always spend our lunch at another place!" Jisung tried shifting the focus away from Chan to his own relationship. Chan didn't seem like a bad guy, at least that's what Jisung was trying to convince himself of, but something about him with Minho made his heart sink into a bottomless pit.

"Oh! Um," Minho shoved his hands in his pockets and started to sway back and forth. "I was thinking we could stay here, and Chan can eat lunch with us."

"Oh." Jisung muttered. His face fell a little bit and Minho caught it. He wondered what Chan was thinking right now as he watched Jisung's emotions unfold in a not-so-subtle manner.

"Baby, you don't have to say yes, it's okay! We can do this another day, I just thought Chan would like to sit with us since he's new and it's his first day-"

"No! Um, it's okay." Jisung's voice faltered at the end of his sentence. Although he was upset, he knew Minho had well intentions. This was a new boy who had no friends, and would probably feel more welcome with someone willing to spend time with him. Maybe one Wednesday tradition out the window wouldn't be so bad in the long run.

Minho smiled, and grabbed Jisung's hand. He kissed the top of his hand. "I'll make it up to you tomorrow, how does that sound?" Minho interlocked his hand with his boyfriend's.

"Yeah... that sounds great." Jisung forced a smile. He felt gutted that Minho would cancel their weekly lunch date just for some new guy, no matter the intention it held. Jisung wasn't sure how he should feel about the situation, because was it really that important? He knows Felix would probably lose his shit once he tells him what happened, but Jisung tried to convince himself that it wasn't a red flag that planted itself in front of him. Whether it was on Minho's or Chan's part, he wasn't sure. He wasn't even sure if he remained color blind to a flag that was blaring red when he saw a muted beige.

Jisung tried to stay positive it was nothing, and that Chan would not interfere after this day. Jisung repeated again and again in his head that one Wednesday would not kill him, but he wasn't prepared for the fact that he was terribly wrong.


Jisung stared at Chan while Minho was talking to him. As Chan was talking about his favorite foods, Jisung studied his features.

He had blonde curly hair that looked smooth, something that Jisung wished he had. He always thought curly hair on someone was attractive. He saw that whenever Chan smiled, his eyes closed shut. That's something everyone thinks is cute. Chan looked like he was buff and that he worked out constantly. Jisung thought to himself how scrawny he looked compared to Chan, who was definitely more muscular.

Jisung was feeling his heart crack looking at Chan. The boy looked like he had no imperfections, and it made Jisung jealous. He mainly felt insecurity deep down and it made him more sad. Jisung bit into his sandwich thinking maybe Chan talking to him and Minho would be a one time event. All he could think of was how unsurprised he would be if Minho left him for Chan.

Not that he didn't trust Minho. He just felt like he didn't measure up to Chan in the slightest.

"So Chan where are you from?" Minho asked, leaning his face into his palm. Chan sipped from his juice and put the carton down.

"Oh I'm from Australia! Sydney to be exact."

Minho's eyes sparkled. "Say something in English!"

"The juice here in Korea tastes way better than it does in Sydney." Minho smiled widely as Chan spoke.

'Great he has an accent.' Jisung thought to himself.

Minho loved when Jisung spoke in English, but Jisung didn't have a hot accent when speaking like Chan did. Add the accent to Jisung's list of why he is insecure over the new boy sitting next to Minho.

"Well I have to get going, I need to find my locker!" Chan picked up his tray to leave, but Minho stopped him. "We can help you find it if you want!" Minho smiled, placing his hand on Chan's wrist.

'Please decline his offer.' Jisung begged in his head.

"No it's okay I'll find it myself. You need to spend time with Jisung." Chan smiled at them both before waving and walking away. Jisung felt a weight leave his shoulders as Chan walked further away.

'And he's nice. Just another great thing about CHAN.' Jisung scoffed in his mind.

Minho looked at Jisung and reached for his hand across the table. "Chan is nice, isn't he?" Minho cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah... pretty peachy." Jisung said in a monotone voice.

Minho laughed. "Don't be sad, I'll make it up to you tomorrow! I'll even get you a slice of cheesecake." Minho used his other hand to lightly tap Jisung's nose. Jisung scrunched his nose and giggled lightly, which was Minho's favorite sound. "I love you Sungie."

Jisung hated that only those few words could reassure him so easily. "I love you more hyung."


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