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Bex POV:
"Ooh, pancakes!" I said excitedly as I picked up a plate.

"Friggen DELIA SMITH PANCAKES!" Dan corrected as I picked one up.

"I feel so special for eating these holy pancakes made by the British gods, and their wife, Delia Smith. Praise The Lord!" I said in a dramatic voice as Dan and Phil cracked up in front of me. I rolled my eyes at Dan's famous cackle, and Phil as he clutched his stomach. Well, didn't know I was that funny. Didn't know I was funny at all. I mean, I've always been the serious cheerleader that doesn't give a single fuck about your opinion.

I was versatile in my cheer team, so I had arm strength and good balance, hence why I could fight. My dad was a bit crazy, as I said, but now that I think about it it was actually a good thing. My mum, however, was basically the pushy dance mum. At cheer, gym, and dance, she was, but at home she was a stereotype mum, cooking, baking, cleaning stay-at-home mum.

Anyway, in cheer, I was meant to be head. But, this little bitch that goes by the name Satan- I mean Santana took my place, because she did dance for longer and 'had a better smile'. Fuck you to, Brianne. Fuck. You. So, after that, I was mad whenever I was at cheer, which was a lot, so I didn't make very many friends. At least I wasn't always a bitch.

Marzia POV:
I woke up in a big bedroom on a gigantic bed. There was a weight on both of my legs. Panicking, I sat up to find my little pugs, Maya and Edgar on my legs. Sighing, I flopped back down. This didn't wake up either of them. 'Lazy little pugs,'I thought to myself. I stood up and looked at the clock next to the bed.

"10:58! I slept in! I was meant to help make breakfast with Dan and Phil," I scolded myself. I ran down the stairs. They were just getting everything out when i noticed that their was a camera in front of the bench. I giggled and they noticed me.

"Now for our special guest, Marzia!" Phil announced. I shuffled into the kitchen and infring of the camera, the cold tiles making me shiver.

"Hello! As Phildo already said, I'm Marzia, or CutiePieMarzia as my YouTube name is. What?" I asked, confused as to why Dan and Phil were laughing so hard. Then I realised how dirty Phildo sounds, especially in my accent. When I realised, I started laughing until my belly hurt.

-Time skip to 30 mins later-

After helping with breakfast, I went upstairs. I checked my room for the pugs, only to find that Maya was gone. I decided I would look for her. As I turned to leave, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. I gasped. How could Dan and Phil not tell me I looked like that on camera! The bun that my hair was in on the top if my head was loose and floppy, I had small bits of make up still on my face, and I just didn't look very good. Then I remembered what I was doing and walked out of the room. I walked down all of the halls, whisper-yelling for Maya, and on the third hall I heard someone call out.

"She's in here," I heard Bex say. I smiled at her voice. She was a youtuber that I watched quite a bit when I lived in Brighton with Felix. Her channel name was BeXtHeReX, and she was basically me and Zoe mashed together. Sadly, she only had about two thousand subscribers. I hung out with her for a little while, but was careful to be quiet for Gracie. Soon after we left for breakfast. I had set an alarm for twenty minutes so she could eat with us, but still rest.

Hiya! I'm actually pretty happy with this chapter. Even though it wasn't very important, I was going to leave this topic but I thought I might make it longer with another POV. Tell me if you like these longer chapters, and you might see more of them. No promises, I do have college.

Ily, xoxo Lola!

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