Chapter two: Mark's Demons

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I fluttered my eyes as I woke up from my slumber. The light poured in through the window making my eyes sting and tingle, I rubbed them and slowly got up and traipsed into the kitchen. I walked straight into the half opened door and pushed it open with my body, I noticed that Mark was already in the kitchen eating cereal.
"Just help yourself" I said, sarcastically, I flipped the switch on the kettle and let it boil.
"No problem there spaceJack" Mark said, digging into another bite of his cornflakes. 
"Don't call me that" I said, lowering my eyebrows, I put some coffee grounds into a mug and poured a decent amount of the remaining milk into the mix.
"So what are you exactly?" Mark asked, he jumped up onto the counter and sat there comfortably. 
"I'm a spooooky space man from mars!" I said Laughing. 
"No i'm serious, don't act all facetious."
"Alright man, to tell you the truth i don't know. I can't remember shit and frankly I don't want to know, i gave up trying to find out years ago." The kettle's button popped up and I poured the boiling water into my coffee.
"Aren't you just a little bit curious?" Mark said, he looked serious. 
" man, I let it go years ago...just let it be for now, okay?" I picked up my coffee and went into my room to make some videos. 

___MARK'S P.O.V___

After Jack left the room I slid off the counter and left my empty bowl in the sink. I quietly walked out the kitchen and headed into the bathroom.
"What are you doing Mark?" Jack called from the other room,
"Getting ready for the day!" I replied. I walked up to the sink and slid off my glasses. I splashed a handful of water on my face then wiped it dry with a nearby towel. I got out my toothbrush and plopped a dap of toothpaste onto the brush. I scrubbed my teeth, i stared into the solid white sink and spat out the toothpaste
"Gross..." I looked up into the mirror, there was a person standing behind me.
"AH!" I yelled, jumping backwards. The person had black soulless eyes, oozing with thick, jet black liquid, It grinned at me, revealing sharp, yellow teeth with blacked gums. 
"H͡e̕l͢lo͏ ̨Ma͘r҉k,̀ lo̴n̸g̡ tíme ̷n͜o ̧s͏ée?" It spoke with a harsh and evil voice. I knew who this monster was.
"Step away Dark...we had a deal..." It laughed and crawled slowly out of the mirror, like I was in some kind of horror game. 
"W̸hat?͡ I cąn'̧t ju̡s͜t̛ ̕g̛o ͜a͠n̵d̴ v̸isit a͠n o͟l̴d͝ ͠f̡ri҉en͏d?́"
"We were never made me....hurt those...."
"T͏h̸a̵t ̢wa̵sn'͞t ͝m̕y̧ fault m͏y ̸dea͜r̵,͏ thát́ w̴a͞s a̕ll ͝y̨o̸ur͏ ḑoi̵ng"
"SHUT UP!", I curled up my fist and punched the mirror with all my might. The mirror shattered, Dark's evil laughter faded into the air. Jack frantically ran into the room.
"Holy shit Mark!" Jack took a hold of my arm, I yanked my arm back.
"Your bleeding dude...i'll call someone" Jack picked up his phone from his pocket and dialed began to dial 999.
"JACK, BEHIND YOU!" I yelled, but before Jack could turn around, Jack had been hit over the head by Darkiplier.
"You asshole! why can't you leave me alone!"
"I̸'m n̶e̢v͜e̸r g̷oi̡n̵g̡ t҉o͡ ͏le͝a̛v̧e ͟y̡o҉ú Ma͞r͢k͡..́.I̶ ̴lo̧v͢e ͡s̴h̴if̨ţing in̷to ̢you͞r ͘bod͘ý.҉.͝.m̸mmm̷ ̸it's͏ ex̛h̢i͝l͠ara͏t́ing.͞ Ơh ͟ri̢g͜h͢t,́ y͠o̡u fri̢e͜n҉d͞?͟ ̸he wa͡s goin͝g ̴t̸o ca͜l͠l fǫr̀ ̶h̢e̷lp͘,̶ i͟ can͘'t let t̵hat̢ happ̴e͜n͠. " Dark laughed and stepped over Jack.
"L͜et̡'s͢ ̨h͏a̵v҉é a ̡l͠i̶tt͟l̶e ҉f̷u̶n eh͜? j̀u̴s̨t li͞k̨e o͡ld̴ t̛ime̡s̢.͘"
I backed away until i hit the wall, Darkiplier slithered towards me, every inch of the room was being covered by his evil essence.
"O͠pen̡ ̨yơur m͜in̛d ̸M͞ar̛k͞.͢.͝.L͠ET ́ME I̕N͏".  He pinned me to the wall, I stared into those soulless eyes, i couldn't look away, he was climbing into my body, taking over my brain...
"S...S...stop!" I begged, His twisted thoughts rattled around in my brain. I felt my humanity slipping away. I felt the black liquid fall from my eyes and down my cheeks. I snarled and growled with my jagged fangs. I cackled. That same evil cackle that i feared so much.
"Fina͟l͢ly...͡I̸ a͢m w̢h͟o̕l̶e a͠g̀ai͢n̢.̶..a ͡body.̛." I punched the wall and my fist went straight through it.
I looked at my already bleeding fists, the red was replaced with black. I allowed my body to heal itself. I focused on it and it sealed shut. I looked down at the stupid mortal.
"N̸ow͞..̧.w͢hat҉ t̢o ̨do̡ ͞w̷i͡th yoù.̨.̵.̴ " I wondered. I stood on it's hand and twisted my foot around, causing it's hand to split, bend and brake.
"Hahaha.́.̵.̶.̸I̡ ̸l͏o̵ve̕ se͞e҉i͞ng ̴h͠u҉ma̴n͟s b͞l͝eed...͘h̛m̧...w̨ḩat̴?" Instead of human blood, acidic, Green blood poured out onto the floor.
"Ah͝..̛.̛.I ̶h͏a͝v͢en't͝ sée͜n ͢yo̧u͞r͝ ki͘nd̀ i͟n ̧y̕ear͞s.͢.͠.̴" I searched through 'Marks' memories and found this thing's name. 
"J͜ack͞ " Jack's head slowly lifted up.
"Wha...whe....wha.." It was obviously so confused.
"Pǫúr͞ crea҉ţu̶re͠.̸..̸re̡d͞uced̨ ͝t͘ó ͘n͏othin͏g b͜ut̕ ą ͢wo̧lf̴ ̛in̶ s̛he͠e̷p's̵ c̨l̸o͡t͘h̢i̧ng̀" I grabbed It's Green hair and tugged it back. I bent down close to it's ears.
"T͜ǫ be̢ ḩo͜ǹes҉t wįt̛h̛ ͠yo̕u̧ i͡f̛ i ̕c̷òu̸ld i͝'d̷ ҉f̸eel̢ sơr̡r͟y͘ ҉f̷or͠ yoù. You ḩad̀ ev̴e̴r̸y͞t̴hing.͜.̢.̀no̴t̕ yo͜u͡ h̸a̛ve ̡n͢ot̀hi͢ng̛".
"Wh...what are you t...talking about" I stamped on it's head, keeping it on the ground.
"Y̧ou ̡d́on͜'͝t͘ re̡me͠m͝be͘r shi͠t. Un̨w͝o͝rt͡hy̴.̸"
I kicked it out the way and took my flight. I needed to go somewhere...somewhere i should have gone a long time ago.



Hello everyone! i hope you enjoyed this chapter, i'll be making more very very soon!


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