# 31 ALIVE?

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Ej- Y-y/n s-she fainted a-and w-when I c-checked her h-heartbeat I-it wasn't.

the time she completed her sentence she couldn't hold herself & fall down while tears were unstoppable.

suga- mom where is she?

EJ- I-in our b-bedroom

the boys rushed to the couple's shared bedroom . Namjoon & Jihon clamed Eunjung .

The boys entered the bedroom only to find there sister lying down on the floor. Yoongi rushed to her & checked her pulse , He sign in relief when found her heart was still beating but not as it should be, If they wont go to hospital on time they may lose her.

suga- S-she is alive.

jin- H-hobi call the doctor & say there is an emergency & we are on our way.

hoseok did as he was told & suga carried his sister out & rushed to the car the couple were going honeymoon . Just yoongi, hoseok, seokjin & Jungkook were in the car & the others were coming with there parents.

jk- hyung c-check her b-breathing

yoongi did as he was said

suga- she is barely b-breathing

jin- k-kook drive f-fast we cant l-lose her

After a while the 4 were there at there destiny with a half dead y/n. They rushed in the hospital & y/n was shifted in ICU. 10 min later the others arrived .

20 mins later the doctor came out & everyone rushed there.

EJ- h-how is she?

doctor- ok so I don't want u all to live in false hope.

Jihon- what do u mean?

doctor- there is a lot to discuss about but time isn't enough. In short she just have 35%of chances to live. For while all I need is some one to donate blood of type A, anyone of you?

v- but don't u have some blood in the hospital itself?

doctor- we do but that's not enough. so anyone?

for a while there was silence & then the younger boy spoke up.

jk- I do

doctor- ok then lets go.

the doctor took Jungkook with him. where as the other were still processing doctors words. The new member had jut 35% of chances .

All remained the same, Eunjung crying & Jihon comforting her as well himself crying for someone he love ever since his 1st wife died, this was 1st time he was afraid. A fear of losing his daughter.

Whereas suga yoongi was silent, all numb . The memory of his sister & step-sister were mixing giving him a strong emotions of sadness, once he had lost his lil monster & now his another was on the verge of dying .

Hoseok placed himself on the cold floor & hugged his knees while crying, he couldn't bare it, his parents death itself took so long something around a year for him to recover & all of sudden his sister was on the verge death.

seokjin were crying his eyes out while hugging namjoon , his mind wasn't working at all . He couldn't progress anything namjoon was saying, those comforting words said by the younger one wasn't comforting him instead it was adding more fear .

Namjoon didn't cried but a part of him was telling him to cry, his heart was telling him that he love y/n but his brain kept refusing. namjoon was tied up in the rope of confusion, the confusion was his felling towards y/n. he couldn't understand if he hated her or loved her?

Jimin & Taehyung were at the rooftop of the hospital, they didn't wanted someone to see them crying, they didn't wanted them to feel weak. A mixed emotion was traveling in there mind, the emotion was of sadness & anger. Anger cause if she had any health issues then why didn't said it to them & sadness cause she was on the verge of death & still they weren't close as seokjin, hoseok & yoongi . she still didn't accepted them as her brother.

Jungkook was on the hospital all alone, crying. A needle was pinned on his wrist which contains an glucose bottle attached to it as he donated his blood to his sister. he never thought he would cry but his emotions won, he was crying.

3 hours later the doctor called everyone in his office to discuss the case. Even the younger was there tho the doctor said he needed rest but he thought the matter was imp than his health.

doctor- the patient is stable now. But she wont wake till tomorrow morning.

Jihon- but why did she fainted ?

doctor- well so coming to the topic when we did a test when she arrived we found poison in her blood , I also got to know that there was something to stop that poison from spreading in her whole body from her left arm & I couldn't believe but the poison was spread through her whole body & still she managed to survive.

jin- B-but how did poison came in her body?

that's when the couples narrated the whole story while the 7 boys along with the doctor went hung open.

Ej- I-I guess u should continue doctor.

doctor- o-ok so where was I ? oh ya, I still don't know how she managed to survive? be happy that the poison didn't reached till her brain, it reached till her eyes when u all arrived, & now some changes will occur in her eyes.

rm- any example?

doctor- like her eye colour changed to blue & as her eyes will be like brand new, she will she things so clearly now. & also I had to remove 50% of her blood as it was poisoned & replaced it with the hospital one as mr.jeon's blood. that's all, she is safe now.

A smile crept on everyone's lips after hearing the 4 words " she is safe now" they were happy that they didn't lose her , they were happy as the member of the family didn't left .


Instagram 1)- __ghost_chan (I upload my pics)
2)- june_ff_7 ( my fanfic page)

YouTube- June luv

twitter- I forgot it , hehe. after I remember I will share it too.

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