❀ → snowed in

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Snow coated the windshield while your eyes closed as you leaned your head against the window of the passenger's seat. You and your best friend, Spencer, had just gotten off work following a lengthy case. Neither of you had slept in days due to the intensive, gruesome nature of the murders that seemed to require your attention every single hour of the day.

On the other hand, the two of you carpooled to and from work regularly. It was a more convenient method of transport, considering as you only lived a few blocks away from each other. The car rides were a pleasant break from the speeding rollercoaster of life. You loved talking to Spencer and hearing him go on tangents about random facts as though he were an encyclopedia. Often times, the rest of the team would brush his ramblings off as irritating and uncalled for. But you found them to be genuinely interesting, and it pained you to see them ignore him over such a trivial reasoning.

"Y/N, we're at your apartment." Spencer's voice tore you from your daze. You looked up to see his own eyes drooping as he unbuckled his seatbelt. He always insisted on walking you to your door, especially if it was late at night. He had seen so many evil people firsthand that he didn't dare risk allowing you to fall into their grasp, no matter how exhausted he was.

You groaned as you walked to the door of your apartment before sleepily unlocking it. The ongoing snowstorm was getting stronger with every passing second, and you knew from experience just how difficult driving in this kind of weather was. "Spence, you should stay here for the night. We don't have to work tomorrow, and I really don't want you to have to drive home in what's starting to look like a blizzard."

Spencer opened his mouth to protest. "Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you, and-"

You took his arm and practically pulled him inside, laughing. "Get in here before you freeze to death!"

You slipped on your way in, forcing Spencer to grab you and pull you up to prevent you from face-planting. "Woah, woah! I got you," he exclaimed, resting his hands on your waist. The sudden intimacy of your closeness to him caused your cheeks to turn bright red. Part of you wished  that the two of you could stay this way forever, but your more rational side told you to pull away from him.

Spencer instinctively began scanning your slim figure for injuries. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" You smiled a bit too enthusiastically, brushing your pants off before standing up straight several feet away from Spencer.

He nodded, gesturing towards the living room. "I guess I'll take the couch. Or the floor, just in case you don't want the sofa getting dirty."

You couldn't help but giggle at his profound sincerity. "What? I'm not making you sleep on the floor, Spence. It's fine, okay? My bed's big enough for both of us. Remember, I just got the queen mattress? Plus, the heater isn't working too well and it gets really cold in here," you explained. "We can have a sleepover just like we did when we were kids."

Was this your way of finally making a move on Spencer after having a crush on him for what felt like an eternity? Your heart raced rapidly, pounding against your rib cage anxiously as you anticipated his answer.

He grinned. "Okay. That uh, that sounds really nice. Did you know that the largest bed ever made was the king sized bed that was originally created for Queen Elizabeth in 1890? It was much larger than the modern ones. In fact, many historians estimate that it could fit approximately fifteen people," Spencer finished, waving his hands slightly as he so often did upon digressing in such a manner.

Is there anything this boy doesn't know? You wondered. You adored listening to him ramble. You knew how much he loved sharing random pieces of knowledge, and how sad he got when the rest of the team dismissed it as annoying. He would always do his best to hide it at work, but you had caught him crying over it several times in the past few months.

"I never knew that," you replied sincerely, reaching over to brush a strand of hair behind Spencer's ear. "It's so cool how you can remember all of that. Hell, I can hardly remember what I ate for breakfast," you concluded with a chuckle.

"You actually had tofu scramble in the hotel with me," Spencer responded. "You had a side of two eggs and an eight ounce glass of orange juice."

"Oh, Spence. What am I gonna do with you, boy wonder?" You sighed happily, tossing him some sweatpants and a hoodie that he had left at your house after your regular movie night together last week. "Go get changed, I'm exhausted."


Spencer got into bed next to you, his attire consisting of a large black sweatshirt and some gray joggers. He was careful to stay on the left side of the bed, as the mattress was big enough to fit both of you comfortably but not without some contact. Not that he didn't want to hold you. Secretly, there was nothing he wanted more. But he didn't dare to make a move on you in fear of ruining your lifelong friendship.

You, on the other hand, were far more spontaneous. Groggily, you grabbed Spencer's hand to test the waters. The last thing you wanted to do was to make him uncomfortable. After that went well, you inched closer to him and laid your head on his chest, your hands still intertwined. "I'm freezing," you hinted as you nuzzled his neck.

Spencer wasn't quite sure what your actions meant, but he didn't mind at all. In fact, he adored being so close to you. It made him feel safe. In the years that the two of you had been friends, you'd hugged countless times. You would regularly fall asleep on his shoulder on jet rides back from cases. He remembered how you had held his hands and sat with him for hours after he opened up about his dilaudid addiction a few years ago. He reminisced on all the occasions he had held your crying figure tightly after bad cases and casual breakups. But none of those situations were comparable to this. The two of you had never been together so intentionally.

"Come here," he whispered, stroking your hair lovingly.

You moved your head onto the pillow so that your foreheads were almost touching. Spencer wrapped his arms around you as he stared at your lips. A soft smile crept onto your rosy cheeks as you slipped your icy hands underneath his sweatshirt for warmth, resting them on his toned stomach.

"Spence?" You looked up at him as your eyes met. "I uh, I've been meaning to tell you this for years now, but I always get nervous when it comes down to it. It's just that, being with you makes me so happy." You gulped, waiting for a reaction on his part. "I... I don't know how to say it, I'm sorry. I feel so stupid. I just care about you so much and I know we're just friends but-"

Spencer pushed a rogue strand of hair behind your ear before placing his finger over your lips. He gently caressed your cheek as he leaned in to kiss you in a soft, passionate gesture. He could feel you smiling as his your lips collided in a fireworks show of ecstasy.

"I love you, Y/N," Spencer confessed, pulling away. "I always have, ever since we were little kids."

You were practically beaming at this point. "I love you so much, you have no fucking clue."

He kissed you on the forehead as he held you to his chest tightly. As he drifted off to sleep content in the knowledge that you were his and he was yours, he wondered: What are we going to tell the team?


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