Inside the Bran Castle 🏰

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Now when you've come this far, standing at the front door, all you have to do is to knock on the old, arched wooden door maybe 3 times bigger and 4 times heavier than you.

No one is gonna open it, so you have to open it by yourself. The door may be heavy, you need strength and a little bit of force.

Once you've managed to push it open, you step inside, gazing around the huge building.

There are standing candles, burning everywhere in every corner. The tables, wall stands, shelves, and wall tables, basically, the whole atmosphere was lit with candles as electricity wasn't invented yet. You felt overwhelmed and welcomed.

When you walk further inside and away from the main hall, you'll encounter a big dining table, nicely set with luxury food and exotic fruits from far. You may wonder:

"Who's gonna eat all this food if there's only one person living here?"

A chimney by the dining table was glowing in orange-reddish color, making the surrounding cozier and warmer. The flames were dancing so gracefully that caught your attention almost forgetting why you were here.

Glaring around like a lost tourist, you'll notice that all of the decorations and architecture were made of wood and brick. A twisted, massive staircase made of stone was placed in the middle of the castle. When you look up, the ceiling is so high and tall that you won't be able to see the top of it. It was like an endless path leading nowhere end.

Creepy isn't it?

"Why is this staircase so long? And why are there so many levels? Who actually lives here?"

You call out a hello, but no successful answer in return. All you could hear was the crackling sound of the burning chimney, and your appetite was yearning for a little taste of the delicious food on the table, but you didn't want to be rude to gobble the food without permission.

You place your hand on the stair railing, it was cold. The cool sense struck your body through your spine as you remove it quickly, moving them against your mouth to keep them warm.

"Hello there!"

The voice of someone greeting you had you jumping from your current state. Your eyes shifted around from left to right then straight forward on the stairs. A figure was standing there, looking like an old hunched man, wearing a long red cloak that reached down his feet, supporting his weight on the walking stick.

The man approaches you, and the sight of him made you a bit terrified. Unconsciously, you step backward, finding no words but glaring at his visage. He was old and wrinkly indeed, white long hair hanging loose down his shoulders. He notices your frightening sight.

"Don't be afraid of me"

He said with an unfamiliar accent. You keep staring although you didn't want to. Your pupils move down on his hands on the walking stick. Those nails were unusually shaped somehow sharp like the blades of a knife. He hides them under the fabric of his clothes when he marked you staring oddly at them.

"Welcome to the Bran Castle. Hope this place isn't too scary as it looks like"

You shake your head.

"Ah, how silly of me. My name is Dracula, Count Dracula. You must be my new assistance?"

"Y-yes. They've sent me to become a helping hand"

He nodded with a huge smile on his face.

"Let's not waste some time then. I guess you're hungry. Do make me accompany, my friend"

You nodded politely and followed him to the dining table.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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