That Peculiar Boy

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Before you get attached their will only bee about 600 words of toddler Chi, I night do more chapters later, but for now, its just this.

Chi was walking down the street, past the neighbouring red brick houses, towards the park, along with her mother, the former Takagi san. Chi skipped alongside her mother, wondering if a certain boy would be waiting there.

fun fact, a chapter featuring said boy was released today as of me writing this 1/2/21 (D/M/Y)

They turned the corner, and Chi scanned the park, looking for the black haired child she'd met here. To her dismay, he was nowhere to be seen. She let out a little sigh, and her mother said,

RIE: "Why are you sad, is it because that boy isn't here?"

CHI: *blushing* "No! I just thought it would be sunnier!"

RIE: "Really? This is the sunniest it's been in a long time."

CHI: *blushing more* "Whatever!" *runs off*

She went on the slide, ran about and went on the monkey bars. Eventually, she got a bit bored, but just as she began walking back to her mother, she saw the boy turn the corner, with a stern looking woman who must have been his mother. Chi didn't walk up to him, because his mum looked a bit scary, but Rie saw were she was looking and turned to see her old friend Tsukimoto, and gasped in surprise, before walking up and greeting her.

RIE: "Tsukimoto san it's good to see you."

SANAE: "Same to you, this is my son, "

Thinking of a name give me a second...

SANAE: "Akira." I know I keep using this name but it's the only name of a irl Japanese person I know.

RIE: "We've met before, he plays with Chi occasionally."

Now Chi had time to think, she had met this woman before, she was friends with the bride (Yukari) and Hibino Sensei (Mina).

Chi walked over to her mum and shyly said,

CHI: "Hello..."

Random side note, I'm thinking of writing a chapter in Japanese once i learn it, so that will be in a a long time

AKIRA: "Mum can I go now?"

SANAE: "Sure."

He and Chi walked over to the park, and Chi began thinking of a challenge to go against Akira. As they passed the bars, she had an idea.

CHI: "You want to do a challenge."

AKIRA: "Sure."

CHI: "First person to do a pull up wins." (I saw daddy do these, they didn't seem that hard)

AKIRA: "You sure?"

CHI: "Yeah."

Chi stood under the nearest bar and said,

CHI: "3, 2, 1... Go!"

Chi tried to pull herself up, and then immediately realised just how hard it was and after 30 seconds more struggling, she dropped down and turned to Akira, who to her shock, was doing pull ups no problem, and after 10 more reps dropped down and said.

AKIRA: "I win."

CHI: "Where did you learn to do them like that?"

AKIRA: "I... I just did."

CHI: "Oh... Okay, could you teach me??" *hopeful expression*

AKIRA: "Sure, no problem."

They spent the next 10 minutes going over the basics, and then Chi said, 

CHI: "I'm ready to give it a go!"

AKIRA: "Okay then."

Chi positioned herself and began pulling herself upwards, but just as her eyes passed the bar, her hands slipped, and she fell.

Just before her head hit the ground, she felt something catch her.

It was Tsukimoto kun. 

CHI: *blushes* "Th- Thanks..." *looks away*

AKIRA: "No problem." *props her back up*

CHI: *scratches the back of her head, blushes* "Hey, is it fine if I call you Tsukimoto, like without the san or whatever cause i find it confusing..." *mumbles the end*

AKIRA; "Sure I guess."

Chi then left abruptly and went home with her mum. On the way home Rie said, 

RIE: "Well, you two seem to be getting along well." *teasing yet happy smile*

CHI: "Well whatever, it's not like I care, for all I know, he might just disappear tomorrow."

And that he did. Chi often wondered where that peculiar boy went, but she never did find out.

                                                             // Time skip //

It was Chi's first day of Middle school, and she was nervous to say the least.

She was very nervous that she wouldn't make any friends.

She rode her bike to school and almost hit a kid in a dark hoodie, since it was still winter and it was dark.

She apologised but the kid didn't seem to notice and kept walking.

Akira's 3rd person POV

He was walking to school in a hoodie since it was cold, and on the way he heard a bike approaching. He looked at it and was startled to see the ridere reminded him of a childhood friend. He continued walking, deliberately straying into the bike's path, in a final test. Sure enough, when the biker muttered there apology, it was in the oh so familiar voice of Chi Nishikata. He kept walking, and heard the bike begin to move behind him as they both went towards the same school.

Akira had had to move when he was younger, he already lived quite far from the park he visited often, but his mother being single, they had to leave when she was offered  better paying job. At the end of his elementary school career, his mother had told him that with the money they'd earned they could move back to their hometown, a place Akira knew she missed. It was around then he remembered that competitive little girl, and he wondered where she was now.

One day, he had a conversation with his mum,

AKIRA: "Mum, remember that woman we met in the park, who was she?"

SANAE: "You mean Taka- Nishikata-chan? She was a classmate of mine, she's married to one of the teachers at the school, who was also a classmate of mine.

AKIRA: "Cool." (That means they probably still live there then)

It was at this time Chi was also thinking of that young poker faced boy, and they both thought,

BOTH: (I wonder if I'll see him/her again...)

Sorry, this took way to long to come out. 1000+ words tho.

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