Here comes the headcanons

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If you an argument, Bakugou would suddenly say "you want to kiss me so bad right now"

When Denki short circuits he has his thumbs up to let everyone know he's okay

Shigaraki love the rain because it's one of the only things he can't destroy

Kirishima would 100% carry EVERYTHING for you, even like the tiniest things like if you're cleaning up and pick up a mug he would snatch it off you and carry it

Todoroki loves it when you admire his scar

Deku would ALWAYS be the big spoon because it calms him. it's like he's protecting you

If you were cuddling sero and moved away because you had to do something, he would use his tape to pull you back to him

If you were told you were going on a mission, Lida would get really anxious because he doesn't want you to end up like his brother

Ochako would be your hype girl if you said you were going out with Deku.

Bakugou let's Mina paint his nails because it calms him, but he doesn't know that Mina figured out it was therapy for him so everytime he asked to gets his nails painted she asked how he is

Jirou would ask you if there's any songs you like at the moment, and when you answer her she would spend all day and night trying to learn it for you

Aizawa secretly sees his students as his children

Bakugou sees the girls in class 1A as sister figures so it's easier for him to talk to them

Everyday Mina would tell you a different outfit you would look nice in

Dabi became a villain so when he goes to jail he can expose the things endeavour did to his family

Toga likes to transform into different people in front of the mirror so she can see what it would be like to be a normal student

Momo makes tea for other people because she thinks that because tea calms her it would calm other people

Denki was really smart in middle school but he got made fun of for it so now in high school he acts dumb so people can like him

Deku LOVES anime and would make you watch it with him until you got addicted yourself

Aoyama I really shy and keeps to himself but sometimes he will come into groups and try to make people like him, but now he's noticing that people are finding him annoying

Ojiro lets Denki play with the hairs on his his tail because it's soothing for both of them

Hagakure knows she not much use in battles so she's trying to get aizawa to erase her quirk so people could actually see her

Todoroki brings up his past a lot in hope one day he will forget about it

Shoji loves children and wishes he could play with them but the children always run away from him

Tsu sees her 'ribbits' as hiccups and find them really annoying

Tokoyami listens to mother mother change my mind

Koda was told to shut up when he was little so he doesn't speak that much

Sato really didn't like to cook but when he discovered his quirk he couldn't stop

Mina supports kiribaku

When Mina and Sero were trying to get bakugou and kirishima together they ended up falling for each other

Aoyama thinks bakugou is so fine HAHAH

Tsu really doesn't like the way she looks but tokoyami always hypes her up

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