Chapter 10

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"Did you do the dishes?" I asked as I walked in after work one night and set two bags of groceries and Saint's takeout on the kitchen island. "Did you clean up in here today?"

"Yeah, I washed the dishes and mopped up a little," he said from the other side of the couch. In these last few weeks of his pregnancy, he'd stopped getting up to greet me when I got home. Whenever he did get up off the couch, I had to pull him up with both hands. I wasn't sure if he could get up on his own at all at this point. "Why? Did I miss something?"

I walked around to the other side of the kitchen island and stood at the end of the couch so I was facing Saint. He was laying on his back watching something on a tablet he had propped up on top of his belly. It was so incredibly cute I almost started laughing.

"That's why we have a cleaning service. They come into this house, they clean, then they leave. That's what we pay them for. I don't want you on your feet all day, honey."

Saint rolled his eyes, then looked over at me. "I'm not disabled, Perth. I can handle washing a couple of dishes. It wasn't a big deal, and at least I get to feel like I'm doing something other than lay around all day."

"You're already doing something," I said as I slid down onto the couch next to him. "You're doing something really, really big. Something most people on this planet can't do. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, I understand. But I still don't want to lounge around on my back, eating bonbons and watching TV all day long. I need to do something, and, to be honest, cleaning is kinda fun." Saint laughed and shook his head.

"What's so funny?"

"I can't believe those words came out of my mouth. I mean, you saw my apartment before I moved out. I wasn't exactly the most fastidious person back then, before I ... well, before I changed. That's certainly an improved feature to the old Saint Suppapong."

"I don't like the way you always say that you've changed. You haven't really changed, Saint. All that really happened was you had some really great stuff added onto an already fabulous body. You're the same person, you know." I said, kissing his hand. "You haven't turned into some other creature ... or a robot."

"That's funny cause that's kinda how I saw all this when it first started happening. I thought I was going to turn into a cleaning, birthing robot that had no personality. But that's not what happened."

"No, that's not what happened. You're still the man I fell in love with five years ago."

Saint looked at me and scoffed. "We started working together five years ago. You can't possibly have fallen in love with me back then."

"I fell in love with you the first time I laid eyes on you. It's taken us all these years to figure out how to come together, but my love for you was there from the very beginning."

Saint smiled and moved his arm up, gesturing for me to crawl underneath. "I had no idea. I always had the hots for you but I figured you wanted an omega to breed with and gaze at with your dreamy eyes."

"That's exactly what I wanted," I said, scooting next to him and kissing him on the cheek. "But I wanted you too. Maybe that's why I held out for so long. I was waiting for you." I kissed Saint one more time on the side of the head, then turned and looked at the tablet that was teetering on top of his belly. "What are you watching?"

"Oh, it's one of those horrible natural-birthing videos on YouTube. I don't know if I can do this, Perth. It looks way too painful."

"You're going to freak yourself out if you keep watching those videos. Not all births are the same. Some are a lot easier than others. You won't have any idea how it's going to be until it's actually happening. Yours could be very different."

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