A glimpse of you

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I look for you round every corner
I look for you in every room
Hoping to find a trace of you.

I look at your empty chair
Remembering you sitting
At my side
Lost in the pages
Of a well loved book.

It all seems like im stuck in a dream
Unable to believe
That you have gone
Where I cannot reach you.

Oh what I would give
to hear your voice,
Or to hear you say my name
If only for one last time.

The tears start to fall
And my armour I have built
Around the grief starts to fade..
But theres nothing I can do
To dull the pain
That cuts so deep,
Feeling so helpless,
So lost as I try to walk on
Through the storm,
Carrying the pain and
the emptiness that
Spreads within...
Its just something
I can never get used to
Knowing you are gone...
Yet still searching,

still longing for

A glimpse of you....

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