Mistaken • Prologue

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" It's over. " Thalia removed the ring she wore for five years and gently placed it on the table, she wiped the dripping tears from her eyes. " If you're not happy with me, I won't force you to. "

" Can't we give this marriage another chance? " Fer asked with pleading eyes, holding both of her hands to his chest.

" There were 1825 days in our five years together. 1825 chances, each day we' ve given ourselves. " she starts to retreat her hands away from him. " I used them all up, I have given you as son, I stay up all night waiting for you, I cook for you, I have given myself for you, I gave up my maiden name for your last name, everything, Fer. Don't you love me? " she trembly spoke.

" I am. Truly I am. " he answered with honesty in his voice. He knew where this fight is going. And he doesn't want to lose her to anyone.

" Then why did you cheat on me? " he grew silent as she uttered that question. " You liked it, didn't you? You looked for it! Now, I am starting to think that you have regretted marrying me! "

" It was a mistake. She doesn't matter to me. " he caught her in his embrace. " You are what matters to me, Thali, you and my son. No one else. " she struggled to let go.

" Let me go! " she protested. " Let me go! Let me go! "

" I won't. No one can have you but me! " he roared back. " Understand me! "

" Yes, of course. I don't believe you a bit, Fer. " she finally has been released from her husband's tight hug. " You can't play dumb with me, Fer. I have put up with this for too long. I won't let you laugh behind my back with some other whore! .... " she pointed at him, with her dark brown eyes ignited with burning fire.

" You're wrong, Thali! Let me explain.... " he tried to defend himself.

" Enough is enough. I can't put up with this commitment anymore! " she let her emotions flow.

" Can't we just talk? You're giving this up easily, Thalia! " his tears also had shown.

" I don't give up easily, Fernando. Its you, who gave up easily. " he was hurt with the tears and scars showing on his lovely wife. " You look for someone else for what I can give you here! Fer, aren't you contented with me? " she continued. " Is there something missing in what I cook? Am I treating our Mattheo badly? Am I a bad wife? Am I not good enough in bed for you? " she asked if there was even something wrong with her.

" Honestly, I don't see the sparks between us anymore. " he dumbly thought of that response. He didn't know what's next for them.

" Fine. If that's what you say. And like what I said, its over. " she stood up from bed, wiping her tears, looking at him. " I'm getting a divorce. "

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