Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Victoria Rogers walked through the gates of Alfea, excited for the first day back at school. She was a second-year specialist, together with her boyfriends/soulmates Sky and Riven. During the summer she had been on a big holiday with her family so she hadn't seen Sky and Riven in person a lot, but they had kept in touch by FaceTiming, texting and calling all summer long. She was really looking forward to see them again and they had agreed to meet up in front of the specialist building at 9.15.

Victoria, however, arrived early that day and bumped into a lost-looking ginger. "Hey, are you okay? You look a little lost." Quickly glancing at the gorgeous black-haired girl, the ginger quickly responded "Maybe a little, I'm supposed to meet Stella at the front gates." "Ah, you must be Bloom. I'm Victoria Rogers, one of Stella's best friends. Come, I'll help you find her." Turning around to walk towards the front gates of Alfea, Victoria said "You were at the specialist building, that's why you couldn't find Stella, she's at the building for fairies." "What exactly is a specialist?" "Specialists are trained fighters that protect the realm." "Are you also a specialist?" Bloom asked the girl surprised "Why, yes I am. One of the best if we're keeping score." Victoria responded jokingly.

At that moment, she felt a pair of familiar hands around her waist and quickly turned around. Standing there was one of her boyfriends, Riven. Riven had a bit of a bad-boy reputation around Alfea but if he was with Victoria people would often see his good side. Pulling the girl against him and kissing her hard, Victoria immediately responded to the kiss with equal eagerness. God, she had missed him.

Pulling back after a while, Riven's arm immediately wrapped around her waist and they turned back towards the awkward-looking ginger girl. "Sorry about that. Bloom, this is my boyfriend, Riven. Babe, this is Bloom. She's new here." Shaking the ginger's hand, Riven told her it was nice to meet her and then turned back towards his girl "Want to come check out our room, love?" he said suggestively "Riv, I'm helping Bloom find Stella, okay? Why don't you go find Sky and I'll see you in a bit?" "Fine, love, but you better hurry." "Come, Bloom, we're almost there." Continuing to walk she felt a slap on her ass. Of course, that sneaky asshole would slap her ass. Throwing him a pointed look over her shoulder, Riven raised his hands in fake innocence and turned around to find Sky to tell him to help get their girl back to their room.

Sky, Riven and Victoria were sharing a room because they were soulmates. Silva and Dowling agreed to it, because the boys would otherwise be in Victoria's room or the other way round. It would save them the pain of giving them a speech every time they would get caught if they would just allow them to bunk together, so they did.

Finally arriving at the front gates without any further interruptions, Victoria quickly saw her blonde best friend "Stell, over here!" "Oh my God, Vic, I missed you soo much!" Quickly hugging the blonde girl, she introduced her to the ginger next to her. "Stell, this is Bloom. Bloom, this is Stella, the girl you were looking for." the two girls shook hands and the three of them made a bit small talk.

Meanwhile, Riven had found Sky but was still keeping a close eye on his girl. Seeing that she had found Stella, he decided that it was time for them to interrupt. Sky agreed with him. He had missed her a lot this summer and it was now time to catch up with each other. Striding over to the three girls "I'm taking my girl back now, see you later Stell." And with that, the blonde prince picked up his girl, put her over his shoulder and carried her to their room while Riven took her bags. All while she squealed and laughed all the way to their room.

"Wait? I thought she was with the brunette guy." Bloom told Stella. "She is," Stella responded "but she is also with the blonde. Vic is both of their mate, so she's with the two of them."

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