Chapter 4:

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Minho was home in his room. It was 6pm and his family were busy downstairs.

"Hyung! Can you help me with me with my homework please." Asked his younger brother.

"Okay Jeongin I'm coming to help you, go into your room." Replied Minho.

"Yay thanks Hyungiee~." Chirped Jeongin in a light happy mood.

[Time skip]

"So thats how X equals to 69?" Asked Jeongin.

"Yes! Finally you got it good job you need help on anything else or?" Replied Minho.

"No I understand now thanks Hyungie." Said Jeongin feeling better that he now understands how to do his homework.

Minho left the room. It was currently 6:38pm. He needed to do it earlier today as his family were going to have dinner together. And with that in mind he called back at Jeongin to call him for dinner at 7:30pm, he than rushed to his room locking the door.

I'm still fucking pissed after what happened earlier I guess I'll just go and do one now quick.

Minho went through his wardrobe  and got out some black clothes and a black mask, he changed into them hurriedly. He took out a suitcase from the back of his wardrobe which had a small secret opening.

The suitcase was plain black, opening it he selected a dagger. A specific dagger that helps with his anger. The hilt of the dagger contained the letters "L.K". Whilst the blade had a snake like pattern engraved reaching to the tip.

He took out a genuine black leather sheath and slid the dagger in there. Placing it on his side black belt. He went towards his bedroom window and opened it.

He came out of his bedroom window and walked out of his family's property.

He was now walking out as someone else, covering his face with the black mask. He is now Lee Know.

His eyes drift to a male who seems slightly elder than him, he looks similar to Chan which made him angry as it reminded him of what happened in the café earlier.

He followed the male down the street till it was empty. He started to walk faster and could hear the male's footsteps go faster making him catch up to the male's pace.

Immediately Lee Know grabbed the male towards him and covers his mouth to make sure their screams aren't heard. Lee Know grins underneath his mask as he is getting something he needs.

The male is struggling against Lee Know's grip as he held tight. This made Lee Know pissed as the male wanted to escape so he quickly revealed his dagger coming out of the sheath.

The male's eyes widened to the sight and he tried to let go and scream. But he couldn't.

Lee Know stabbed the male on the right side of his neck than moved the dagger to his stomach and stabbing it repeatedly.

"He's not that bad"
"I wanna pinch his cheeks"
"They look so soft and squishy"
"Aye you got a crushieee"

All these words were running through Lee Know's mind making him even angrier as his stabbing towards the male became even more violent.

Ripping his organs out. Ripping his legs off and throwing them to a nearby dumpster. Ripping his right arm off. Seeing how the male looked like Chan just made him mad as he continues to just stab his face off until there was nothing else left to hit.

He was finished with what he wanted to do so he went to a public restroom. Washing his dagger making sure it was clean as heck.


One of the stalls opened to reveal a male looking at Lee Know in shock he was about to scream till he felt a sharp pain on his gut. Making him cough out blood.

Lee Know was stabbing the unknown male multiple times without mercy, flushing a few of his organs through the toilet and leaving him in the stall.

Lee Know was cleaning the blood off of his dagger and himself till he checked his phone and saw it was 7:18pm

I better hurry up and leave before Jeongin calls me for dinner. Lee Know thought as he left the public restroom.

"Hope the media likes this." He whispered to himself as he passed the brutally stabbed male laying on the ground.

He rushed back to his home making sure his mask was covering his face. Finally reaching the property he was at the back of the house going through his bedroom window which he left open.

He quickly took a glance at his bedroom clock and saw it was 7:28pm

Just about time I better hurry up and change.

Minho changed from his dark outfit, taking off his mask and wore his comfy blue shirt and white trousers that had cat prints all over.

Minho heard footsteps coming to his room. He immediately put the dagger along with the sheath in the black suitcase, placing it back in the secret compartment in the back of his wardrobe.


Minho quickly put the clothes under his bed and unlocked the door.

"Hyungie~ Dinner is ready! Let's go downstairs and have you been working out? You seem all sweaty."
Asked Jeongin.

"Yup, just doing a workout you know! Your hyung needs to have a good body." Minho replied giving a short chuckle.

"Let's go downstairs." Minho said making Jeongin nod.

Everyone is sitting on the dining table eating quietly. Minho was just busy thinking about his Jisungie.

[Time skip]

Everyone has finished and Minho is doing the dishes whilst thinking of being with his Jisungie. After finishing up the dishes he went up to his room, taking out the dark clothes from under his bed and going downstairs.

He went to the laundry room and put his dark clothes in the wash.
He then went back upstairs, going to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Heading back to his bedroom he went under his sheets smiling about Jisung.

I'll make sure he's mine.

And with that he fell asleep.

𝘾𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙮 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 [MINSUNG]Where stories live. Discover now