||Chapter 4||

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Safna wailed and cried bitterly. No, her Inna is not dead. It can't be, that means that she won't get to see her again? Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihi raji'un. She shouted more as she thought of that.

"Hey, mappu hundiko ma. Mappu! (Shut your mouth. Shut it.) So what if your mother is dead? It is a pleasure for us and it is something that should be celebrated." One man said when he got tired of hearing Safna's wails.
"Exactly! It is indeed a great pleasure that the witch is dead. Now she will get to know what she did since she killed Baba Shallo and Malam Bello. She will meet them there ai. Stupid fool." His friend said laughing at Safna that was lost of words. Inna has warned her, not once not twice to never talk back at elders. She raised her eyes that had become heavy and planted them on the people mocking her.
"Daughter of a witch!" A lady spat as she came passing by. Safna felt the need to follow Inna to wherever she went. She knew it was a lovely place since Inna was smiling, though blood was everywhere.
The people there carried Inna to dress her and take her to her final home but they were stopped by the villagers.
"Do you want to become wizards?" They asked the people as they nodded in response. "Then leave her there. The vultures shall quench their hunger with her."
"Oh Okay then. But Is she really a witch?" They asked not sure.
"Of course she is!" They replied.
The people shrugged their shoulders and went off their way. Everybody passing by left a nasty comment or two.

Luckily, Ansar came to pass by with his parents. They saw her on top of Inna crying. Ansar's parents quickly picked up the dead body and did the things necessary before taking the corpse to Adamawa direct, where they live, because people don't get buried at the cemetery from five'o clock.
Ansar and his parents lived in Jada before relocating back to Adamawa.

The next day, Inna was buried. The news had reached everyone in the village, and of course, they all said it was karma. Umma( Inna's mother) went to Ansar's house and picked up Safna.
Safna has become a living mess. She hasn't eaten since the last meal she had with Inna apart from water. She keeps having nightmares about what had happened. She has become more slim and darker in complexion.

Umma, of course knew that her daughter wouldn't do no such thing, but she has no right to speak, plus she is too old to fight for her daughter and grand daughter.
She got ready and went to Adamwa city to get her granddaughter, though Ansar's mother is Inna's friend.

He was sitted on the bed, with Nabila on his lap facing each other as he trailed kisses down her neck. She moaned together with biting her lips which got him on more. He stood up and pinned her to the bed as he proceeded to take off his clothes. He leaned down to kiss her but stopped due to the ringing of his phone. He groaned and went to get it, from his expression you could see he was angry. He angrily answered the call without checking the Caller ID.

"Safwan come quickly, your mother is sick." someone said from the other end.

He knew it was Abba but is Mama's blood pressure high or what. He quickly got his clothes back on and got his car keys. Nabila watched as he did that irritatedly and hissed.
Who even called him and why, she thought but didn't bother to ask. Among all her boyfriends, only Safwan satisfys her. That is why she loves making out with him.
Safwan was a bit bothered and angry when he noticed Nabila didn't even make a move from the bed talkless of asking what had happened. He doesn't know why nabila has this attitude, he loves her so much that he thinks he can't live without her. The things she does makes him doubt her love for him. Does Nabila really love me? He asked himself. He got out and Nabila ran after him trying to find out why he was leaving when,she needed him. As he was about to close the door to his Black BMW she held the door to stop him from shutting it.

"Baby,where are you going to all of a sudden"? She asked in a low voice.

For a moment he forgot about the call and the doubts he had about her. He wanted to get out of his car and go back into the room and continue from where they stopped but,his phone began to ring again. It is Abba that is calling again. He groaned in annoyance before he answered the call.

"Safwan! Where are you? We've been waiting for you". Abba half-shouted in worry.

"I'm on my way".

Nabila was frustrated that he was leaving. She needed him at that moment,since he is going to leave she better calls Salim or anyone that is available.

Before Nabila could say another word he entered his car and zoomed off to the El Shareef mansion. As he drove in haste their last conversation with Mama kept replaying in his head. It was always the same conversation.

"When are you going to get married"?
And he has always replied with the same answer or something similar.
"Mama soon,Insha Allah".

He doesn't get why everybody is putting pressure on him to get married. Marriage! That's the last thing on his agenda,he wants to enjoy life and catch cruise when he still has the ability to. Even if he was ever going to get married anytime soon,it will be to his habibty,Nabila. But one thing that has been disturbing him for some time now is Nabila's love for him.

He was so drowned in thoughts that he wasn't aware of what was happening around him. The loud honk of the car opposite him brought him out of his reverie,he sharply took a left turn to avoid the collision he was about to cause. When he was back in control, he hissed and muttered some insults under his breath before driving away,without apologising to the man that was old enough to be his father. As soon as he was few metres away from the mansion he began to press on the horn,the guards were already used to his despicable attitude so they opened the tall black iron gate for his "royal majesty"..*laughs*. They greeted him as he zoomed into the mansion which,he didn't acknowledge at all.

He passed the large fountain-which has a large calabash and a ladle on top of it,and went to park his car in the main parking lot. It was just a three minutes walk from the main parking lot to his parents wing. He stopped at the mirror in the hallway downstairs to take in his appearance in order to avoid Sa'dan and Mama's preaching. The handsome but unkempt looking man stared back at him in the mirror,he smelt of Nabila's perfume and his last three buttons were opened giving him a seductive type of look. Mama will definitely frown at his appearance,so he decided to first go to his room and take a shower. As his hands made contact with the door knob he heard loud wails coming from his mother's room upstairs. In a split of a second he ran up the stairs to find Mama...and the rest of his family......

Yo guys! What's up..well we know what's up. We sincerely apologise for the late update. It has been so hectic with school and everything😪 also one of us is lazy or should I say both of us🤣🤣.
We will try our best to update soon as long as my twin is not lazy,I'm the hardworking one😁.

Jazakumu'lahu khairan❤❤.
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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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