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WARNIIIIING; this part gets a tiny bit sexual; nothing people can't handle, but I just wanted to notify you. If you're under the age of 13, please do not read. even though I literally haven't written anything 'dirty', I don't want you to get mad at me.

It was Niall's birthday a few days later. I chose to ignore the tingling in my belly, as Zayn, Natalie and I went over the plans. We were going to host him a surprise party; everyone was invited.

"Close the door please." Zayn said as we all (except for Niall of course) sat in Ariel and I's bedroom. Natalie closed the door, seeing as she already were standing.

"We already know where it's being held, and we only need need to find out which one of you is going to.. Hold him up." Zayn explained.

"I vote for Erica." Ariel said, holding her hands up.

"Yep, I vote for you too." Natalie said, a knowing smile on her lips.

"Thanks guys.. What am I supposed to do then?" I asked, making Zayn laugh a little.

"On his birthday, you're going to ask him if he wants to have lunch with you. Ariel, Natalie and I won't be in sight, so tell him you don't know where we are. You can even tell him you would've asked one of us if we were home," I laughed at what Zayn said, "- he won't suspect a thing. Anyway, when you get to the location... Well, seduce him somehow. Get him to 'go somewhere a little more private' or whatever they say in movies." Zayn said.

"Oh lord.. I think maybe Natalie should be the one to do this, I mean.. I'm not really an expert in 'seducing'.." I bit my lip.

"Like that!" Zayn yelled, "Bite your lip and maybe even stare at his mouth as if you want to kiss him. If it doesn't work, you can always just tell him if he doesn't go with you, he's dead." Zayn laughed as i nodded.

"What are you giving him by the way?" Ariel asked, smiling.

"Just a t-shirt I know he'll never wear. It was just too beautiful not to buy." I smiled.

"Oh, and even more important," Ariel smirked, "What are you giving me?" She asked, and I fake gasped.

"Your birthday is soon too?!" I pretended to be surprised.

"It's not funny." She mumbled with a laugh.

'You ready?'

I repeatedly read the text, not knowing what to do. Why did I say yes to this!? I replied with a thumps up.

'He's in there now, go go.'

I opened the door, putting on a fake 'searching' expression on my face. I knew Niall was looking at me. When my eyes met his, I smiled.

"Hey Niall." I said, walking towards him. I could practically feel him waiting for me to say congratulations, but of course it never came.

"Erica." He said, sending tingles down my spine.

I looked at him; yeah he was hot. Not THAT hot though.

Who was I kidding? The man before me was sex on legs. He had adorable blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. His muscles were nearly jumping out of his t-shirt and he was wearing a pair of black jeans. Wow.

"Do you wanna have lunch with me?" I asked, making his eyes light up, "I can't find Zayn, Ariel and Natalie, so I thought I could just ask you instead." I added, laughing insanely on the inside. His face was once again cold.

"Why?" He asked, his eyes finding mine.

I shivered, "I just want to have lunch with my friend, but if you don't want to.." I said, trailing off.

He quickly replied, "Okay, I will have lunch with you. Have you decided where?"

"Yeah, can you drive?" I asked making him nod, "Great! Meet me outside four a.m." I told him.

"Isn't that a little late for lunch?" He asked.

My eyes widened slightly as I tried to figure out a lie, "The place I want to eat at isn't that crowded at that time of the day." I lied smoothly. He nodded as a response.

How was I supposed to pull it off?

"Let's go." I smiled at Niall, walking towards his car.

He grabbed my arm, "We aren't driving that. Not today." He said, grabbing my hand as he led me towards another car.

He let go of my hand to open it. I stared at it with wide eyes.

"How many cars do you have?!" I hissed as I stepped into the car.

"Two?" He replied.

"Rich people.." I mumbled before grabbing my phone.

'On our way.' I wrote.

I instantly got a reply, 'Great. We're ready too. Turn off your phone and enjoy his company, he doesn't like when people are on their phones.'

I turned off my phone, smiling at Niall as I slipped it down my pocket, "My mom wanted to talk to me. I told her it could wait for later." I lied.

For a second I thought he knew I lied. He looked at me knowingly, but then put on a smile, "You should've said hi from me." He said, making me blush slightly.

When we reached the restaurant, I couldn't help but feel relieved. Finally out of the awkwardness.

As we ate our food, we talked about everything there really is to talk about. School, the weather, our friends, his family.. I was surprised he told me all that. We weren't even that good friends. When I tried to talk about work, he dodged all my questions and went back to a precious subject. What was he hiding?

Suddenly, I put the gift I had bought for him in front of him, "Happy birthday Niall." I shyly said, handing it to him.

His mouth was slightly open, and I couldn't help but stare at a bit. He caught me staring making me blush slightly.

"You can open it at home.." I said.

"Because I have another present for you.." I purred slightly, trying to sound seductively without overdoing it.

I slightly bit my lip as I walked towards him, grabbing his hand as I led him towards the party. He surprised me by grabbing a hold of my waist as we walked. I could feel sparks traveling through my body and I took a deep breath.

"Are you a virgin, Erica?" Niall smirked.

I suddenly felt bad by leading him on like that, but I quickly recovered, "Maybe." I whispered into his ear.

He groaned, clutching on to me even tighter. I bit back a moan, what was going on?! Stupid hormones.

"Surprise!" Everybody yelled as I opened the door.

Niall looked surprised, so I quickly got out of his arms and ran towards the bathroom. I could see from over my shoulder, that he was staring at me as people congratulated him.

I splashed some water on my face inside the bathroom. Why did he make me feel that way? I went to dry my face, when I suddenly felt arms snaking around my waist.


cliffhanger :*
I hope you guys enjoyed this part; there's going to be drama in the next one, so be prepared!
if you didn't notice, this part is slightly longer than the others. I felt like I couldn't just stop in the middle of it, that's why.
love you! don't forget to like and leave a comment to keep me motivated.

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