❤️~The Encounter~❤️

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The Bold text is people using sign language
————————————————————————Aizawa's POV:

It was about 1 in the morning while I was doing my 4 hour patrol. In those four hours (10:00-1:00) everything was silent. No sound at all, the only thing you could hear was the wind, birds, and the lazy drone of cars going by. It was very peaceful, not noisy like my big ass yellow haired cockatoo at home.

The worst part is he's half-human ( Mic), but I love him. As I land on the next roof of a house to head home because my patrol was over I hear a scream that sends shivers down my spine. Right as I hear that scream I realize it belongs to a kid and without hesitation I dash off in the direction of the noise. I soon find myself at a lovely home right on the edge of town. I ran around the house hoping to get a better view of what was going on. I make it to the back door but I soon realize someone is yelling. I put my ear closer to the door to hear a woman yelling at someone saying things like "you useless brat you can't do anything right" and "you should be the one dead, not him, you practically killed him you b*tch" with that you could hear little whimpers of pleads and sorrys. Ok now I had enough, I thought angrily. I barged into the door and yelled "I am a Pro Hero and I tell you to stop" with that the woman with short ash blonde hair and deep red eyes froze and then ran off.

The sights in front of me were so horrible that I froze in my spot not thinking to run after her. The house was a mess and reeked of alcohol, glass bottles were everywhere broken and fixed, blood was on the floor in the living room, but the worst sight was a boy, about the age of 8 lying on the floor blooded and bruised to the point where there was almost no tan on his skin, sadly any tan color that was there was very pale, almost white and the boy was horribly thin. I ran over to the now passed out boy's body to check his pulse, "still there, good" I muttered as I pulled out my phone to call the cops then my fiancé Hizashi to let him now what happened and why I'm late coming home.

~Time skip~

No One's POV:

After Aizawa called the police, told them what happed, and the kid was taken to the hospital Aizawa called Hizashi about what had just happened and that he was going to stay at the hospital with the kid for the time being.

Aizawa's POV:

"Hey, Hizashi sorry I'm late," I said through the phone expecting him to be chill but boy was I wrong. "You better be sorry you almost gave me a heart attack; where are you; are you alright," Mic said frantically. " I'm alright but I'm heading to ******* Hospital, I found a woman, probably the kid's mother beating up the poor boy so I'm going to the hospital with him, want to come". "Sure, how bad is it" Mic says through the phone sadness lacing his voice. "Bad" I replied feeling all sympathy for the poor boy. "Ok on my way now" and with that I hung up the phone getting ready to drive to the hospital.

~Time skip~

No One's POV:

After getting to the hospital Aizawa and Hizashi waited for the boy to wake up after passing out due to blood loss and exhaustion.

Katsuki's POV:

I wake up to a very bright room immediately realizing I am not in my own house , I panicked and bolted up which I soon figured out was a bad idea because I was sore as hell from my previous beating. I sit up the rest of the way more slowly trying not to hurt myself anymore. I look around the room cautiously to see a man with black curly-long hair in a chair next to another man with very, very long blonde hair, but more of a yellowish hew then my own.

I start panicking again not knowing this two men in front of me, but me being the idiot I am, squeak while trying to hide under the blankets that I now just realized were on me. I was trying not to wake the men up in fear they were one of my mother's friends trying to have "Fun". Sadly, at least on my part, the man with black hair starts to stir and stares at me with some sort of emotion in his eye but I'm to afraid to look what it is. All of a sudden he stands up and walks to my bed as his mouth starts moving but I can't hear anything, of course this is a normal for be because I'm deaf but he probably doesn't know that and doesn't know sign language. "D-Don't hurt me-e pl-please"

I manage to say hoping my pleads are enough. He starts coming closer to me saying something I can't hear so I panic and start frantically using sign language to talk. The man then freezes probably relishing I'm deaf and signs "Hello my name is Aizawa better known as Eraser Head the Pro Hero, do you mind telling me yours?" "K-Katsuki B-B-Bakugou," I say praying I'm not in trouble. "Alright, Katsuki we are going to need you to tell us a few things about yourself, right?". "Ok", "Ok so how old are you",

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