Day 104 practicing first

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Killua's POV
I woke up and saw that gon was hugging me sleeping peacefully and smiled I loved the scene it made my heart melt I could look at her smile all day without  getting tired of it I looked around and kurapika was the only one up I put gon down and she snuggled to the pillow like a puppy I then went to kurapika and sat next to her "oh hey Killua didn't see you there" she said I put on a surprise face but I was really not amused "really" I said I then looked at what she was doing she was looking at a box "yeah......oh I have a question" kurapika said "um yeah sure what is it" I said laying my head on my hand " long do you know gon for" she said I looked up at her getting my head up "well I know her for longer then I can remember she's my light and sometimes I must look away" I said looking down smiling my hair still messy but out of my face kurapika smiled "you must love her so much" she said and looked at the box "yeah" I said she then fully looked at me "well I was wondering if you....would propose to her some day" she said I froze "w-what do you m-mean" I said blushing "well I see that you love her and it made me think that you would want to propose to her" I looked up at her quickly "YES I WOULD PROPOSE to her ....just I don't know if shell say yes a-and I dont have a ring" I said she then gave me the box she was holding "well here now you can propose it was see when GInG came here he left a box behind and he told us to save it until his daughter was here "keep this and give my dear daughter this " he said and then he left so I guess that's why gon came here in the first place but now she's with you" she said I opened the box it had a ring with a delicate crystal on top "beautiful" I said "I know right it was his wedding ring the same one he proposed to Gon's mother" she said I smiled "thanks kurapika I'll propose some day" I said closing the box and putting it in my little box that I keep in my backpack "no problem Killua I know she'll say yes" she said then heading to get the food for the others ready I went to gon she was already waking up I went to hug her "oh good morning babe" she said and hugged me back "good morning princess my gon" I said kissing her cheek she started giggling "h-hey that tickles" she said I then kissed her lip she stop struggling and wrapped her arms around my neck we moved our mouths to rhythm we separated and a string of Silva hanged I just then hugged her and snuggled my face on her neck "Killua" she said I looked at her "what" I said  "ya know kurapika is there right" she said smiling awkwardly I laughed "yeah of course I do" I said I then went to her ear "she isn't looking she's preparing food" I said and got up to go to kurapika gon followed me and we sat with kurapika and ate.
Gon's POV
I went to sit with Killua and kurapika she gave me a can of bean I was eating when Killua took of his shirt showing his abs so bold I felt my mouth water and I blushed and shook my head " what you see" killua said and getting close to me I turn away and blushed "oh" kurapika said holding her laughter and looking down with her hand half covering her face I was a blushing mess I then felt arms around my waist and realized I was sitting on killua's lap and he kissing my neck I covered my mouth to not moan he then stoped and laughed "you get flushed at the most smallest things like my abs"he said laughing I got mad and pouted "you always d- I interrupted him with a kiss and he looked at me half lidded with his and mine glossy eyelashes he holder my waist and pulled me close I hugged his neck we were literally making out right here he then separated damn his kisses make me forget about everything he makes me melt in everything he does he's just to hot "how dare you interrupt me baby" he said in a low tone that made me heat up and my bones shiver "I-I d-didn't m-mean t-to"I said looking down he then picked up my chin "don't worry I'm not mad and if you were wondering look" he said and I looked kurapika was feeding leorio and laughing with him I smiled "so that's why you felt calm doing it" I said giggling he hugged me burying my face in his chest while his shirt was still off he kissed my head "your mine no one else's your my princess my gon my precious baby" he said I smiled and hugged him "yep I know I love you your my Killua my boyfriend and my precious friend" I said he chuckled "I love you too gon I love you" he said we then let go he looked down he looked so cute like a sad kitty with a pout "I'm sorry" he said my heart skipped a beat he looked so adorable I hugged his face "aww babe it's ok I'm not mad I like your kisses" I said he then brightened up and kissed my whole face "hey hahaha that tickles I told him and then I kissed his whole face "gon s-stop hahahahaha that tickles ahahahaha" he said hugging me I giggled "ok love birds time for mission tomorrow we can take a day off and just be here cause according this thingy tablet that I found we only have 2 bases left so yeah now let's get move in" knuckles said and ilkago following with the guns and boxes of supplies I then got up from Killua and grabbed his hand to go get changed he put on his shirt back on thanks that's a relief if he didn't put it on I would pass out from the hotness he is I went to the bags got the guns for killua and me and got the other stuff and headed down with the team  we were walking until I spotted a chimera ant  and in a second the ant look at us lucky  the ant had bad eye sight and went away so we walked more and right there three ants came and I felt arms wrap me up and covering my mouth I looked up it was Killua and he looked at me and smiled "shhhh" he said and covered my mouth me and him hiding  leorio and kurapika were together at the other side of the hall leorio was holding kurapika and she was struggling to get out of him I tried so hard not to laugh the ants then looked at us and before I can think Killua was in front of me and shot the ants and leorio was in front of kurapika hugging her and shot the one of the ant they both looked at us "ARE YOU OK BABE" killua said cupping my face "ARE YOU OK KURAPIKA" leorio said holding kurapikas shoulders kurapika blushed and smiled at him "I'm fine" she said and pat leorios shoulder I looked back at Killua and smiled "I'm fine babe cause you protected me" I said hugging him he sighed and smiled "of course I will your precious to me" he said touching my cheek in circle motions "your handsome Killua" I said hugging his neck "really" he said handsomely he got close and kissed me I can't stop this his kisses are to much I like when he kisses me it feels warm I can feel his warmth and I feel much more closer to him. We separated and we looked at each other with passionate half lidded eyes smiling "um..HELLO we are still here ya know and the fact that knuckles and ikago are right in the back of you isn't helping" leorio said "oh shut up Oreo you could do this to kurapika if you wanted to" Killua said leorio blushed "NO I WOULDNT AND ITS MR LEORIO NOT OREO YOU LITTLE URGGGG" leorio said looking away we all laughed after the playing around  for a bit we got serious and headed to the next hall we then found two doors one of the cameras and the other for weapons "ok we split up into twos knuckles ,ikago you two look around for ants next to the doors ok" kurapika said they nodded "leorio you go to the front of them I just found out that if they see two people they will call for help so one of you will go one way and the other" she said leorio nodded "ok killua you go in that direction gon you in this one and I'm going through here got it" she said and we all nodded I went to the doors and left killua but I didn't want to so I hugged him one more last time "gon let me go I promise I'll come back" he said I shook my head to say no "but what if you leave" I said he sighed and laughed I little "come on gon I would never do that and besides remember if we don't have trust" he said "we don't have nothing" me and him said together I smiled and looked down "ok" I said he nodded kissed my head and headed away I looked to the other side and went to do the job I was heading when I saw a large monster I winced in fear but didn't show it the creature had a long body with long arms and a round face with white eyes that was  smiling and a wide big smile that reached were an ear would reach he had a big head and then the monster looked at me  and open his mouth hanging down with blood I shiver but remembered something "don't worry as long as I'm here your safe together we're invincible"

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