chapter 7: second thoughts

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Sakura walked up onto the porch of her house.
She pulled the key out of her pocket and turned the lock on the door.
Sakura stepped in the house.
Turning on the light sakura took her shoes off.
She walked towards her bedroom.
Sakura placed her suitcase on the bed.
She sat down and looked around the house.
Sakura started to feel different.
She felt so excited to have a house and live by herself.
But something didn't feel right to her.
She layed back on the bed.
Sakura then sat up.
She picked her keys up off the bed and ran out of the house. she locked the door behind her.
She then gave the keys to some random man she didn't even know.
"Here you earned a free house!"
Sakura kept running down the street.
She walked up to the door of naruto's house.
She knocked on the door.
Naruto opened the door.
Sakura jumped on naruto and kissed him.

Sakura looked at naruto.
"I don't wanna live by myself."
"I wanna live with you."
Sakura said.
"Are you sayi- "
"I love you Naruto!"
Sakura said.

Naruto was surprised.
She was dead serious.
Naruto looked at her.
"Well I guess I better come clean." "I had a crush on you ever since the academy."
"But then you were in love with saskue."
Naruto said.
"Anyways if you wanna be more then freinds sakura we can start out slow..."
Naruto said.
Sakura walked into the house.

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