The Rat Spirit (Yuki x Tohru)

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Tohru sat up from the bed and swung her legs off the side. She got up, stretched and smiled. "Today looks like it'll be a wonderful day!" She got changed into her school uniform and ran downstairs. "Ah, seems everyone is still asleep... I should get to making breakfast!" She sped walk into the kitchen. " Good morning Miss Honda!" Yuki appeared behind her. "AH!" She dropped the stuff she was holding. "Oh- Good morning Yuki!" She smiled. He bent down and started to pick up the food she had dropped. "Oh- I am so so so sorry!" She repeated. "Don't worry about it," Yuki stood back up and put the food back on the counter

"As clumsy as ever," Kyo walked down the stairs. "Like always, you have no room to talk," Yuki rolled his eyes. "SHUT IT YOU DAMN RAT!" Kyo shouted. Tohru giggled at their fighting. "Miss Honda, Shigure is at work so you don't need to worry about breakfast," Yuki smiled. "But don't you guys want to eat...?" Tohru questioned. "I'm pretty sure that stupid cat eats in his sleep." Yuki glared at Kyo. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY!?" Kyo lunged at him, to which Yuki just kicked him with ease. "DAMN RAT!" He yelled again. "Now Miss Honda, are you ready to go?" Yuki smiled at her. "Oh, yes I am!" She smiled back. "Alright, let's go then." Kyo walked to the door.

Yuki's POV

We walked down the same path the led us to school as always. Kyo was to the left of Miss Honda and I was on the right. "Tohru, you had to do retakes?" Kyo glanced down at her. "EE- Yeah..." She sighed. He pat her head. "Chill out Tohru, you probably did well on the retake." He smiled a bit. Why did I all of the sudden want to punch him? I mean I always want to punch him, but like right now, I feel like I really want to. "Miss Honda, he is right for once, I am sure you did well." I smiled warmly at her. "Thank you, guys...!" She teared up. "Why are you crying all of the sudden?!" The stupid cat yelled. It was obvious, he is too stupid to understand Miss Honda though. "I am just so happy!" Miss honda smiled. "Well stop your crying, we are here now." Kyo giggled. Miss Honda is beautiful even through her tears.

I looked ahead to see Miss Honda's friends right ahead. Uotani and Hanajima appear to be Miss Honda's best friends. They seem to love Miss Honda a lot, but they also seem to be overprotective of her too. That's why I must gain their liking, so Miss Honda doesn't have to worry as much. "Hey, Tohru!" Uotani shouted. "Hello, Uo-Chan, Hello Hana-Chan!" Miss Honda yelled back. We began to walk towards them. "Sup Carrots," Uotani glared at Kyo. "Shut it, Gangster girl," Kyo muttered back. "Hello Uotani, Hanajima," I smiled. "Hey Prince, you taking good care of our sweet Tohru?" Uotani looked at me. "Ah, Miss Honda is a strong girl, but we still try our best to help," I replied.

Normal POV

Kyo was about to pat Tohru's head again until Yuki smacked his hand away. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR YA DAMN RAT?!" Kyo yelled. Yuki glared at him with harsh eyes. His eyes basically said, "Try and touch her again and I'll rip your hand off your body." Tohru turned around and smiled at Kyo and then went back to talking to Uotani and Hanajima. The bell rung. All five of them started walking into the school. Yuki and Kyo walked behind the girls, quietly arguing like always. Tohru, smiling her usual bright and goofy smile that lit up the room. "Tohru, you look paler than usual," Hanajima pointed out. "Eh? She's right Tohru, you feeling okay?" Kyo put his hand on her shoulder. "Oh me? Of course!" She smiled

Yuki raised his hand and put it against Tohru's forehead. "Miss Honda, you do feel a bit warm." "Tohru, how many times did you work this week?" Uotani asked. "Six!" Tohru pumped her fist in the air. "It's only Wednesday... How did you already work six times?!" Kyo yelled. "Your voice is irritating." Yuki rolled his eyes. "HAH? YOU WANNA FIGHT ME?!" Kyo shouted. "Guys- please don't fight!" Tohru shouted. "LET'S TAKE THIS OUTSIDE!" Kyo yelled again. "If you say so." Yuki started walking away. "I'm sorry guys... I'll see you in class!" Tohru followed the two boys. "The more I see them together, the weirder waves come from Sohma" Hanajima muttered.

"Guys! Please don't fight!" Tohru yelled. "Miss Honda, don't worry, we will be fine." Yuki smiled and began the sparring match. Tohru ran over and jumped at Yuki, turning him into the zodiac he possessed. "I am so sorry Yuki!" Tohru teared up. "It's okay Miss Honda, as long as no one saw, it's fine," Yuki walked over to her. Tohru put her hands out and he climbed on. "Damn rat..." Kyo walked away. "Miss Honda, you need to remember to hug us at school," Yuki said softly. "I- AHH!" Tohru screamed as Yuki transformed back. She turned around and held her eyes shut. 

Yuki's POV

I turned around and smiled at her. "You can turn around now!" Miss Honda slowly turned around and smiled at me. Her smile is beautiful. It lights up a room, you just can't help but grin when she does. "I'm sorry, Kyo and I put so much of our problems on you..." I dropped my head. Miss Honda doesn't need this much worry on top of everything else she goes through. "I don't see it like that" Miss Honda spoke. I looked back up slowly. "You see, mom once told me that sometimes all we need is for someone just to be there, even if they can't solve all of our problems, just knowing they are there makes all the difference... So you see, I might not be able to help with all of the things you go through, I still want to be there to let you know that someone is with you," She warmly smiled at me. I extended my hand to her and took her hand in mine. We began walking back towards the school, and all felt right.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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