Chapter 9

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"Liam why does it always happen to me? I'm tired of this" I said.
"Isa your mother won't be happy seeing you like this." Liam said
"She never cared for me! When she did it was too late!!  Why is it always like this" I sobbed.
"Tough times will come and pass, Remember Isa nothing stays forever." Liam comforted.

"Princess Isa, Your brother has come to visit. He's in the tea room."
"Tell him we'll be there soon." I said with confidence.
"About time I take revenge, no way in hell will I give the throne to him! I can't leave my Kingdom in the hands of some rapist."
"Well done Isa, I'm proud of you."

*at the tea room*
"Well well well! Look my dear Princess. How are you? Your husband satisfying you or?" Mason smirks.
"You don't need to worry about that, Plus Prince Ian is not my husband legally. Now that there's no guardian of mine I have the free will to do whatever I want." I say confidently.
"Amazing, you'll be living here wont ya?" snickers Mason.
"don't worry about me, worry about yourself because you aren't getting the throne any time soon." I smirk.
"Stop Joking, The thrones mine!" Mason shrieks.
"It was, Before dying mother wrote in her will that the throne is in my hands, I can either take it or give it to someone." I say, satisfied seeing his anger.
"Well then, You'll give it to me, right?"
"In your dreams Mason, We'll discuss this tomorrow in the throne room! until then, You are not allowed to leave this Castle." I say strictly.
"What can you even do? You'll end up giving it to me!! There's no other heir." Mason smirks.
"We'll see" I say leaving the room, Liam behind me.

"Guard! I want you to send this letter to Prince Ians room, tell him we're no longer together and He has 10 hours to leave this castle."
"Yes Princess Isa." The guard bows.

"Liam, i've decided to give the throne to My cousin Prince Aegon. I'll give him the throne and we shall join the 2 kingdoms. it's the best for all of us.  As for us, I want us to live far away from this mess, Liam I want to spend my life with you and only you. I love you Liam, Will you come with me?"

"Omg, You-You love me??? I love you too Isa, so much. I'll be with you wherever you go. "

*Tomorrow at the throne room*
"Welcome my people, as you know the tragic incident that happened a few days ago.  The Queen had given me the responsibility of the Kingdom. I want to join our Kingdom with Prince Aegon's Kingdom. From today he is your rightful King!!"

*everyone cheers*
"As for Prince Mason, I strip you off your Prince title, For Abusing and Raping women. You are not welcomed in this kingdom!" I say.
"Guards take him away." I say.

*Next day*
"Ready Liam? For a new chapter of life, just us now"
"Yes Isa, I am ready to love you and spend my life with you. with no problems this time."

The Kingdom was now Peaceful.  With Mason gone and Prince Aegon taking over, Everyone lived a harmonious life.
          THE END.

Author: I can't believe we've come so far, thank you so much for 8k Reads. I love you all so much for sticking with me through this journey. I'll be coming with more content soon!!

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