Chapter 1

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Waking up this morning was probably one of the hardest things I've had to do since my father died. 

Today the day my mother and I moved to another country. I was no prepared to just up and leave but my mother practically forced it down my throat. I would've kindly stayed behind if I had anyone to stay with. It was just my mother and I , so I had no choice but to start packing.

I didn't want to leave this house , it had so many good memories here. Mom and dad were happy , I was happy. My mother kept saying that living here was only depressing me more than it should have since he died almost six months ago.

"I'm going to miss you Cassie ", my only friend said and she hugged me tightly.

She wasn't exactly my best friend since we only recently met when she moved here.

"I'm going to miss you Amy , but remember to make more friends . Expand your social circle", I smiled at her.

Talk about , practice what you preach , since she was my only friend and I've lived here all my life.

I had no desire to have any friends really , since I've always been busy with school work.

"The same goes to you , bye and text me sometime okay", she smiled when my mother practically forced me into the car knowing I would not have gotten in anytime soon.

"Bye, I'll text you", I said and got the last of my bags in.

I kept the snacks close to me as my mother started driving.

"I know you're going to miss the house , but your dad wouldn't have wanted you to go through your senior year being a sad teen . He'd want you to get yourself out there and enjoy life. He would have wanted you to be happy honey",  my mother sighed at the last part.

Ever since my dad died , we haven't been speaking unless it was necessary , it was all me though. I locked myself off to the world. Amy would come over and we would just sit in silence but at least I wasn't one when my mother had to work.

She was always prim and proper. She was a CEO of her investments company. I don't really understand what her job entails , it was always complicated. My dad had been a lawyer , which is what I want to be when I'm older.

"I know mother ", I sighed .

The rest of the ride I plugged in my ear plugs , drowning out the sounds of awkward silence that fell. We could never have a conversation without one of us , meaning me , getting upset and storming out.

That day we arrived at a town that looked fairly decent since we lived in a quiet place that nothing ever happened , just a boring old town that drained me of all my life , not that I had any life after all.

We stopped at a local café that read "Blondie's" in bold and it looked rather cosy but also fancy . My mother eyed the place with the shake of her head.

"This will do for now , how about some dinner , we're just around the corner from the house but I'm starving", my mother said and turned off the car. "Why don't we just eat at the new house", I asked unhooking my seatbelt. "There's no food at the house , we'll pick up the groceries tomorrow morning after we've been at the school", my mother said and got out the car.
"I'm enrolling tomorrow , but It's so soon", I argue following my mother towards the Blondie's.

"You don't seriously think I'll let you stay at home for more than a week. Even a day can have a negative effect on your future endeavors honey ", she said and took out a tissue wipping  the door handle before pushing it open.
I just rolled my eyes following her.

"Welcome to Blondie's , take a seat and I'll be with you in a minute", a petite girl came up to us and smiled kindly.
I smiled kindly and moved towards a window seat with my stuck up mom looking around with a slight smile on her flawless face.

I picked up a menu and ignored my mother's remarks about the menu not having any salads on it.

"Hello , I'm Mackenzie and I'll be your server today. Can I get youou something to drink", Mackenzie smiled. "I'd a Mountain Dew please", I smiled. "I'll have a Chai Tea thank you ", my mother smiled curtly . Mackenzie nodded and left leaving my mother and I alone.

"The school is on my way to the new office so I'll just drop you off at school , the school bus also drives just down the street if you want to take the bus to school or from school", my mother said as Mackenzie have our drinks.

"Have you decided what you're having to eat or do you need some more time", she smiled kindly. "I'll have a steak medium rare with some fries please", I smiled. "I'll have your vegatarian rap with a side of oinion rings thank you", my mother said and placed her menu down.

"Coming right up , enjoy your drinks", Mackenzie smiled and left to the kitchen before tending to more tables.
She looks so young , but she's already working and earning money.

I wished I had the energy to work. I'm just a lazy ass that loves being at home.

Finally we were on our way to our new "home". I just wanted a bed and to go sleep . My mother already had furniture moved over and some essentials for the kitchen while we drove the rest of the things up with us.

We pulled up in a posh area with huge houses and a park with a fence around it. I made a mental note that Blondie's was two roads away in case I wanted to run away from her dramatics.

"Here we are , I hope you like it", my mother smiled and she unloaded our bags.

The sun was slowly setting and it looked almost peaceful until I heard a roar of a motorcycle scaring me that I dropped the suitcase I was carrying. I couldn't get a look at the guy since he had his motorcycle helmet on. Another guy hurried out behind him and got into his car and sped off behind motorcycle guy.

"Cassie , are you coming in , it's getting late honey and we have things to do", my mother said and left the door open. "Oh yeah , I'm coming", I said and picked up my suitcase following my mother into the huge house.

It was twice the size as older house.

"I'm , mom , why did you buy such a huge house when it's only going to be the two of us", I asked unsurely. "Because it's in a decent neighborhood and one of my colleagues recommended this house since she lives across the street", my mother smiled and showed me around the house.
My room was upstairs while she had the biggest one with across the her new office.

We also had a mini library and a damn pool house. Why would we have a pool house , oh yeah since we had a ginormous pool !

"Your room has a beautiful view of the pool and the sunset don't you think", my mother said when she helped me pack the rest of my things in my room.
"Yeah, I guess ", I mumbled.
Honestly I loved this view , but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of letting my mother know how much I love this view.

"Get some sleep , we have a meeting with the school at 10 tomorrow morning", my mother said. "On a Saturday morning", I say rolling my eyes. "Don't you roll your eyes at me , you're lucky I'm even willing to let you stay home a extra week", my mother said and left me.

"Well , whatever",  I mumbled to myself.


Eek !

That's the first chapter 😊.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter 😀.

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