Part 11: Hug

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Jungkook rubbed his face, feeling tired and restless as he failed to sleep. He sat up on the bed, careful enough not to wake Lisa up who was fast asleep on his lap.

She'd been training the whole day as the long awaited day finally draws nearer and nearer. He had been sparring with her and he's pretty amazed by what she's able to do now-- however it may not be enough.

That thought scares him the most.

That no matter how much she'd train for this-- she'll end up getting hurt.

He couldn't sleep knowing that could potentially unfold.

Sighing he looked up staring at the ceiling. He felt her stir on his lap, causing him to slowly rub the bottom of her back in order to lull her back to sleep.

"kook?" Lisa groaned, her eyes slowly opening to meet Jungkook's worried ones.

"hey its okay, go get some rest"

Lisa frowned, "what about you?"

"I'm just- sorting through some things. I'll sleep in a bit I promise" Jungkook gave her a reassuring smile; like how he always did.

But Lisa could see through the facade he's put up. "No if you're staying up I am too- we're a team remember?" Lisa held his cold hands.

Jungkook stared at her with wide eyes. He couldn't hold it any longer. He bawled his eyes out, saying nothing.

Lisa rubbed his back, as she hugged him. They stayed like that till Jungkook's soft whimpers filled the room.

"I don't want to lose you to this horrible life" Jungkook murmured into Lisa's black hair.

"It's all my fault I–" Jungkook hiccuped as he started to convuls. He was having a panic attack and Lisa hummed, caressing his back slowly.

She found out that this was the best way to calm him down.

This lulled Jungkook, only causing him to tighten his hold around her.

"You won't ever lose me" Lisa whispered reassuringly into Jungkook's ears.

The two stayed like that till Lisa has felt that Jungkook's breath has evened out. She could fill him inhaling deeply, his breathing heavy and steady.

His body started to feel slumped against her own and she knew that he had fallen asleep. He must've been so tired.

She slowly held his head, guiding his upper body down on the mattress, careful not to wake him.

Thoughts ran through her head, thinking of what to do for him to ease his pain through this process. The training and preparation for the initiation— it was just too much for him. It was taking a toll on his mental health.

Jungkook had been working hard training her without rest, and she just wanted to do something for him in return.

She tried to rack her brain for any ideas but none came. She realised that she never really knew anything about, but it feels like Jungkook has known her for a long time.

He knew her little mannerisms, likes and dislikes, her favourite food, even her shampoo and conditioner he knew which scent she liked.

Yet she didn't
know him at all.

Well, except for his trauma and pain. She only knew the broken and torn part of him.

She stared him as he fell asleep, dried tears staining his cheeks. Her hands ran through his hair, softly massaging his head.

Jungkook's tensed body eased up at her touch, a small smile making its way to his face.

She smiled at this. With this, taking care of him and showing him these little gestures, she hope to ease his pain.

No matter how little.

Lisa woke up to Jungkook's side being empty. He was already up and about at around 4am. She assumed he couldn't sleep; much like the rest of them. Jungkook was unapproachable since his meltdown yesterday and she didn't know what to say or do.

She was afraid if she kept pushing his buttons, he'd burst and do something he'll regret.

She curled on the king size bed, that's a little to big for her, pulling the blankets close to her chest.

She was scared of what's to come. She's never been a violent person nor a person who's skilled and trained in combat.

Trying her very best was the most Lisa could do at this point. Her main goal was just to survive the games that this underground world made to test her strength, will and determination.

She was the most persistent and relentless person she's ever known and this was just another mission. She had to bring her "A" game, not just for her own well being, but for her everyone that she now know as family.

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