And so it begins...

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Dipper groaned as he heard the loud sound of his alarm. As he tried to block out the sound of the alarm with his pillow he could hear the sound of Mabel running towards his room. He then decided he would much rather get up on his own accord then be dragged out of bed by his twin and started to get up. He silently cursed whatever god was out there for making him go to school today.

Dipper rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before heading towards his dresser, grabbing a pair of jeans and a random t-shirt. Quickly changing out of his pajamas Dipper headed towards the bathroom, seeing Mable head out of the bathroom just as he arrived. Dipper smiled a bit, "Hey Mabes," He said to his twin, "Hey Dippy! How're you doing this fine morning?" Mabel said in her usual chipper tone. Dipper only groaned in response which got quite the eyeroll from Mabel. "Oh lighten up, It's a new school year, I'm sure today will be great for both of us," Mabel playfully punched Dipper's shoulder as she told him to lighten up, "Plus you'll get to see Bill who you totally aren't in love with-" Mabel teased. "Mabel!"

"Ok Okie- I'll let you get ready!" She snickered and ran off. Which left Dipper to go into the bathroom and finish getting ready. He really regrets telling Mabel about his crush. At least she didn't tell Bill, she may be a jerk sometimes but she isn't downright evil. Dipper finished getting ready and went to grab his backpack, he threw on his navy blue hoodie before putting on his backpack. "I'm gonna start heading to school Mabes!" Dipper yelled to his sister as he headed to the front door. "Kk brobro!" She called back.

Dipper started towards the school and his walk there was pretty uneventful. A squirrel did come pretty close towards Dipper to look at him though, That was pretty cool. Dipper approached the front gate, only to get attacked by a wild Bill Cipher hugging him from behind. Dipper, not realizing it was Bill at first, punch Bill square in the stomach. Bill stumbled back a few steps and clutched his stomach, he started laughing as he started to speak, "ow, hahA pain is halarioUS." Dipper rolled his eye as Bill kept laughing, he struggled to keep down his blush, why did Bill have to have such a nice laugh?

After Bill got over his laughing fit he walked over to Dipper and put an arm around his shoulder. "So pinetree-" "You still won't tell me where you got that nickname-" "And it still isn't important-" "No no, I think it is-" As Dipper tried to get Bill to explain the weird nickname for the fifty-seventh time the two started walking into the school building.

"So pinetree, a certain birdy that happens to be your twin sister just so happened to tell me your classes, and we just so happen to have a few classes together." "Ok- but why'd you get my classes from Mabel" "Mmmm, I don't wanna tell," Dipper groaned, "I'll buy you a slushy at the gas station later if you tell me-" "I'll tell you after you get me the slushy." Bill said as he smirked, Dipper gave him a dirty look but he wasn't actually irritated, having to get Bill a slushy just meant more time with him. which Dipper was always glad to have.

The school day continued on as you'd expect a normal school day to go, after school the two boys were stopped as they were about to head to the gas station. A girl had stopped the two of them, "Hey Bill- oh and you too I guess," She said, as she obviously didn't know Dipper's name. Dipper just sighed, Bill looked over at her, "Oh hi, uh, Katy right?" The girl, Katy, nodded, "So Bill, I was wondering if I could talk to you?" "Oh, yeah, what's up?" Katy looked over at Dipper, "I mean, alone?" Dipper felt slightly irritated at this, oh she's asking Bill out. "Oh, uh, sure," Bill replied. Dipper felt his heart break slightly, why does he have to have feelings for bill, stupid handsome bill... "You go on ahead pinetree, I'll catch up." Bill said with a small sorry smile towards Dipper. "Ok, I'll cya in a bit..."


Just wanna say this was inspired by @Fluff_magic again, Go check them out! also this is my first time writing any fanfiction so please be merciful towards me ;w;

Also Bill is 17 and Dipper and Mabel are 16

anyways bye

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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