8. Holiday's Suck

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word count: 1.8k


Sam and you both sigh as you leave a Christmas store of some sorts. The holiday season is starting to feel like it's dragging out the longer you're on this case. Like every year, it's just bringing you down into a weary mindset. You're noticing the little attitude that began to surface just days ago when you were noticing the date was getting closer to the holidays. After spending some time in the shop, Sam and you found out about a woman, Madge Carrigan, who made the meadowsweet and is the one selling them for free. They were all sold out of it, and this makes it harder for you, Sam and you to pin point and prevent the next wrongful death.

Back at the motel, Sam and you split ways and headed into your own motel rooms after saying goodnight. Walking into yours, Stevie lay across the bed on her stomach and her hair up away from her face. You look at the carpeted floor, which is now covered in junk food wrappers and a few sets of coffee cups and soft drink cups. You glared over at Stevie and raise your brows, silently scolding her for the mess.

"How did it go?" Stevie sits up. "Sam and you find anything?"

"Not really. Did you and Dean have a productive time?" Your eyes glance back and forth between the junk on the floor and your sister.

"Not really." She smirks. "You should've stayed behind while I went with Sam."

"And why's that?"

"Oh you know why. Come on, you and I both know that Dean and you share some kinda unspoken...thing? I don't know, but Sam and I can see it and I'm pretty sure if we had friends they'd see it too!"

You roll your eyes and sigh, making your way to the bathroom for a quick shower and a change of clothes.

"Just...just shut up." You roll your eyes.

Stevie laughs and throws her head back, falling back on her back in bed. You turn around when she begins speaking again. Her head is in her hands, resting her arm on the off white pillow.

"I can't make you realize anything, but you do know this thing you've had with him since we were kids is special right? Even if things haven't been the same since the stupid fight, that bond can't be broken. Even if it feels like it. You should spend some time with him for how ever long we'll be around with them. You know...till his time is up."

You know she's right, but you're still so unsure about it all. Of course there's this friendship, but it needs to mend. Growing up, he was one of the only consistent friendships you had - not counting your sister. There are times you've seen him, really saw him an attraction that's scary so you pushed it down. And you still do. Not saying anything back, you leave your sister as you enter the bathroom, alone with your thoughts.

Washing your hands, then your face, you proceed to wipe your face with the rough hand towel that dangled off a silver round holder. After drying up you rest your hands on the sink, leaning over and giving yourself a moment to breathe and let your mind rest. You raise your head, eyes open staring at yourself in the mirror. All you see is the sadness and exhaustion in your hunching shoulders and heavy eyes, bags underneath. Your mind begins to wander through every memory shared with your parents. It was so long ago, and people have said that the longer someone you love is gone, you'll forget the way the look and sound.

But for you, that isn't true. Every day just surviving and constantly thinking about that night. You have so many doubts as it became a blur every day since they died, since John took you and Stevie in. It's like ever running into the Winchesters weeks ago for the first time in a few years, you're starting to remember things in a different light. But then again, you were feeling lost.

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