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"Mae, you're being overdramatic." Teresa snapped, looking down at her sister from the top bunk.

"No I'm not. We have to get out of here before it's too late! Before they brainwash us," The younger of the two rambled, restlessly tossing and turning in the small bed.

"Just drop it." Teresa hissed, exasperated with her sisters behavior. Mae rolled her eyes (even though Teresa couldn't see) and pulled her thin covers over her head. She knew something was wrong, and she wanted to leave this place ASAP.


Mae shot out of her hammock in disarray, causing her to loose her balance and slip right onto the muddy ground. It was pitch black, probably the middle of the night, and she could barely see as she brought herself to stand up. Her fore arms and legs were now probably covered with dirt, and she cringed at her misfortune. Most of the Gladers were sleeping peacefully in their hammocks, and she was pretty sure no one had waken up from her clumsy fall.

Quietly, Mae made her way away from the boys and to a spot in the grass all by herself. There was no way she would fall asleep again, so she figured she could just sit and think for a while, try and work out what she had been seeing in her dreams. Or, more less, memories.

Teresa. Her name is Teresa. And she's a typical, bossy older sister. But where had that memory taken place? And why was I so eager to leave?

Mae sat in the grass with her legs crossed, searching her mind desperately for any sort of clue of the context of that memory.

"Greenie can't sleep? Typical." The girl startled at the voice that came from behind her, and she took a nervous breath. She didn't want anyone to think she had been up doing something against the rules, because the last thing she wanted was to be punished in the manner that Ben had.

"Um, well I had this weird dream and I thought-" Mae stopped talking when she found out who it was.

Although it was dark, Mae could tell that it was Minho who lowered himself onto the grass beside her. He stared straight ahead, his eyebrows furrowed. Almost every time she saw him, he was in a bad mood, and this encounter was no exception.

"Happens to everyone. Especially Greenies," Minho uttered. He had a faraway look in his eyes, as if he was somewhere else in his head. Mae nodded along awkwardly, unsure of what to say.

"I'm sorry about Ben. I don't know if you were close with him, or..." She trailed off, feeling more out of place by the second. This conversation really isn't going well, She thought to herself.

"He was a good shank. Shame you had to see him like that," Minho alluded to Mae's first and only encounter with Ben, which obviously hadn't been a pleasant one.

"It's alright. I know you guys liked him. Must have been hard to shut him out like that." She glanced at Minho, hoping to see even a little bit of emotion reveal itself, but his face stayed stone cold. As always.

"It's just the harsh reality of the maze," He shrugged, and then turned to look at Mae directly.

"That's why you stay out of it, alright Greenie?" His voice was stern and his eyes were narrowed. The girl was a little bit unsettled by his harsh tone and she nodded quickly. Satisfied with her reaction, Minho stood up and stretched his arm up to the stars.

"Go back to sleep, you've gotta work tomorrow." He instructed. Clearly intimidated by him, Mae did as he said and felt her way back to her hammock, laying wide awake from all the thoughts racing through her head.


"Alright, so you're going to go to the Med-jacks first and then with Frypan after lunch. Sound good?" Newt planned out Mae's day as they sat at a table eating breakfast. Thomas and Chuck were there too, listening in to her tasks. Mae barely nodded, only half awake. After her strange talk with Minho in the middle of the night, she barely got to sleep.

"Mae, are you ok? You look really tired," Chuck leaned over and waved a hand in front of the girls face, prompting her to shake her head quickly.

"Don't ever tell a girl she looks tired." Mae half- grinned, setting her fork down to rub her eyes.

"Just a bad nights sleep, that's all." She shrugged, and her eyes met Thomas's for a fleeting moment as they shared a look. I wonder if he had a similar memory last night, she thought to herself. Thomas looked down at his food swiftly, so Mae turned to Newt.

"I'm excited to learn about the Med-jacks. I think I'll be good at that, seeing as I'm such a pure soul." She joked, smiling softly at him.

"You sure about that?" Newt teased, and she faked being shocked and offended, shoving his shoulder lightly. "I've known you what- two days? You're not the angel we thought you were," Newt continued, narrowing his eyes to seem threatening. Mae glared at him for a second, trying to make him uncomfortable, bjt it ended with her bursting into laughter.

"Alright alright, just finish your shuckin' food and get to work." He laughed gently, standing up and stalking off to put his food away and start doing his job. Chuck did the same, leaving just Thomas and Mae sitting across from each other.

"Mae, did you have another dream last night?" Thomas asked in a hushed voice. She nodded quickly, leaning forward.

"Teresa, that's my sisters name," She explained, thinking back to last night when she had first learned of her sisters name. Thomas almost choked on his food, looking at her with his deep brown eyes widened.

"Teresa's your sister?" He exclaimed. Mae looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Yes. You knew her?"

"Yeah, yeah, I knew her."

I thought it was about time for a Minho/Mae moment. God I'm running out of words to use for Thomas asking questions....

Thanks for reading! If you like/dislike my story, please comment. I read them and they make my day :)

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