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you came down with the last box from your room. today is the day where you move into your dorm at tokyo university. fortunately for you, you're dorming with kiyoko and kaori. you didn't know who the fourth member was yet.

tanaka and nishinoya moved their stuff in yesterday so they can help you today. they were in a dorm with akaashi. the other person is unknown right now also since he didn't move in the time nishinoya and tanaka moved in.

"all ready to go, sweetie?" your dad asked, you nodded your head.

"yep, all packed. i'll drive there. don't miss me to much dad!" you said hugging him. your dad hugged you back, planting a kiss on your forehead.

"did you forget that i'm driving you?" he asked sarcastically, grabbing his keys.

"o-oh, yeah!" you laughed it off.

you got in the passengers seat while tanaka and nishinoya was in the back seat.

nishinoya and tanaka dropped off their stuff yesterday, and you're leaving early today. since it's pretty far-right now it's 11am and you should arrive at tokyo university at approximately 3pm.

(a/n: idefk)


you finally arrived at tokyo university. nishinoya held half of your boxes and tanaka held the rest. and you dragged your luggage.

"make sure you watch out for her, boys!" your dad said.

"will do sir!" they both said.

"dad, i'm 18 now.." you pouted. "anyways, see you! i'll text you everyday, love you!" you hugged him, he hugged you back. you bid your goodbyes and walked into the university. it was fairly big. there was lots of people walking around with their things.

a week ago you had already done an orientation.

you went to the front desk and talked to the lady. you got your keys, dorm number, and a map around the college.

"alright, let's go!" you said walking towards the girls dormitory. you entered the building, walking towards the elevator. you were on floor 3, dorm number 36.

as you walked towards the door, you unlocked it. it revealed two girls.

"kiyoko, kaori!" you dropped your luggage going over to hug them. you were very close with kiyoko, and you were just friends with kaori. but it made you happy that you're able to become closer with her now.

"hey y/n!" they both said hugging you.

you heard a loud thud. you looked back to see your boxes now on the ground, "KIYOKO~!"

you and kaori, along with kiyoko, moved to the side while nishinoya and tanaka stopped themselves mid-air.

"i'm going to unpack my things and then we can catch up," you said. "wait, which room am i in?" you asked.

"kiyoko and i are sharing a room," kaori said pointing to herself and kiyoko. "you're sharing that room with the unknown roommate, sorry!" the girl apologized.

"that's fine, don't worry about it," you smiled.

you walked into the other room and decided to pick the right side. nishinoya and tanaka helped you with your boxes. you soon began to unpack everything and decorating your side of the room.

after at least an hour or so, you were done. the walls filled with a little bit of decor and anime related things. you convinced your dad to let you bring your whole PC set up so you can stream and make videos. and your bed sheets were just a (f/c) color scheme. you had also organized your clothes.

you walked out of your room. you saw kiyoko and kaori talking to a certain blonde head that looks familiar. she had one boy behind her caring her boxes. you took a better look, shifting your head a bit and widened your eyes.




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