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“You’re fine now. Please come back here after minimum of two months for your left arm to be examined and maybe we can remove the cast already.” Dr. Arm said to me while removing the bandage on my head.

“If you’ll check my arm you can see me at Off’s room.” I said calmly making the doctor’s forehead creased.

“You’re not going home?”

“No. I’ll stay here. Off needs me here.”

I can’t leave him especially in the times like this.

It’s been a week since I was confined here. The more I am getting better the more it is getting worse for Off. He can’t even visit me here in my room for a couple of days now.

His head is always aching and his body is always feeling numb that is why he stays in his bed more often while being taken care of Namtaan and while his parents are trying hard to buy time to visit him because of their hectic schedule on their international businesses.

“Yeah, he needs you.” He smiled and patted my head gently. “Okay, you’re good to go now. I’ll go check Off later.” he added.

I nodded and move out from bed.

“Please tell my sister to take care of my things here.”

Dr. Arm chuckled. “Bossy. Okay I’ll tell her.”

We separated our ways. Dr. Arm went to do rounds for the other patients while I go straight towards Off’s room.

While on the hallway, I tried to be calm and tried to smile. I don’t see him for several days and I don’t know what he looks like now. P’Alice just told me that Off feels weak and he looks pale and nothing else.

When I’m already near to Off’s room I heard him shout that made me rush to his room. When I get there, Off starts to throw things that is in the table near his bed; starting from mugs and anything that his hands can reach.

“I told you Namtaan I don’t want it! It doesn’t help me! I don’t want it anymore!”

“ But P’Off---

“Fuck it! I’m already tired of trying. It doesn’t help me. We should stop this!” He shouted again and pulled the IV cannula on his left hand.  

“P’Off!!!” Namtaan shouted hysterically and Off’s hand started to bleed.

I hurriedly went to Off and wrap my arms around him.

“Off I’m here. Listen to me. Everything will be fine. Trust me. Everything will be fine.” I caressed his back.

“Namtaan call Dr. Arm now.” I commanded and Namtaan rushed out to find Off’s doctor.

“G-Gun Lek...”  His voice seems so shock and immediately broke down to cry.

“There is no way that everything will be fine. We should stop trying.” Off’s voice is cold and seems like he lose all his hope.

“No. That’s not true---

“It’s true! We should just accept that I am dying! That no one can save me from this not the doctors not even you! I am dying and no one can save me from that!” He tried to let go from my hug but he is not that strong to push me away.

“The m-medicines don’t help me anymore. It’s just making me feel so empty. Can we just accept that I am running out of time? I don’t want to suffer anymore.” He said between his sobs.

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