Chapter 2 (Valeries point of view)

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I wake up to the sound of a loud crash. Screaming coming from down stairs. I quickly jolt out of bed and dash downstairs to see a frying pan imbedded in our kitchen wall. Dad is dashing around in circles like a madman avoiding everything Karen throws at him.

Karen notices me, and starts heading straight for me. "You fucking ungrateful child! Your lucky we haven't put you in a orphanage yet!" She slaps me across the face. Well that's my coffee cup for the day. I stare at her expressionless. She goes for my face again my hand catches her wrist. She glares at me.

"You will not treat me as some worthless piece of trash. Thank God I'm not your real child, but even though I'm not you don't get to hit me or my father like that. It's also your fault you didn't come pick me up yesterday from school. That's why I was home late. So back off ugly bitch." Dad walks up and slams me into wall.

"You will not talk to your mother that way!" He screams at my face, I can smell the alcohol invading every breath I take. His breath heavily cologne with the smell jack Daniels.

"She's not my mother. And if think she is.. Then she'll end up like your first wife did!" I flashback to that fateful night.


"Mommy... Where are we going?" I kick my feet back and forth in the car because I was to short to touch the floor. I was only 7 at the time.

"We have to get away. Oh my sweet Valerie, we can't go back." I grab my stuffed kitty and hug it tight against my chest. I stare out the window at the rainy night. Racing two water droplets as they slide down the window.

We pull into a motel and mom looked around and started shaking. She looked scared. She faced me, her face grim. "Now baby you know I love you. Can you stay here. Don't leave the car. I'll be just right back. Don't make any noise either, okay." She leaned back and kissed my forehead. She got out of the car, and I watched as she went around a corner. A few seconds later I heard a loud scream. I saw a dark figure emerge from the shadows. He had looked straight at me, a smirk written across his face. He turns around and walks away. I sat there for hours. Holding myself together. Cops found me a day later, I had fallen asleep on the back seat wrapped in my mother jacket. They got ahold of my dad and he lost it after that. Alcohol consumed him, never letting him go from it's deathly grip.
*end of flashback*

Dad let go of me and stormed off, talking under his breath, Karen only a few steps behind. I look at the kitchen clock, crap it's 6:30. Karen isn't going to take me, not after that fight. I quickly get dressed, slipping on my black leather pants with white tank top that had the band 'Fall Out Boy' on the front. I slip on a black leather jacket. I put my black combat boots one, lacing then through the loops like a pro. I grab my mirror, quickly placing black eyeliner around my eyes and mascara on. A few bracelets and some chained earmuffs to give it the final touch. I take step out of house at 6:45. It's still slightly foggy outside and I see black mustang pulled into my drive way. Theo?

He gets out of his car, dark washed out jeans, and black T-shirt, with a plain leather jacket. Is ungodly perfect blonde hair and his piercing blue eyes.... Stop it Valerie! Get a hold of yourself.

"Hey.... Do you need a ride?" He asks smoothly as showing up to random girls houses to give them a ride is the usual.

"I would say no, but I've got to be at school on time so sure. Thanks."

"No problem. I only live like 20 minutes away. No biggie." His hand rubs the back of his neck. Like all guys do in an awkward situation. I climb back into the warm of his leather seats. Letting out a sigh of relief that I have a ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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