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Taehyung gave his boyfriend a peck on his cheek, staring at his beautiful doe-eyes, "Why did you dye your hair blonde?"

He pouted, tilting his head slightly towards the right, "Why? Don't you like it?" 

Taehyung slapped his arm gently, "Of course, I do."

Hoseok beamed, resting his chin in his palm. "Now everyone's gonna go crazy in school, saying how hot he looks."

Jungkook showed a bunny smile at him. He held his boyfriend's hand underneath the table, earning a grin from him. Ever since both of them had confirmed their relationship, things had become way easier. They didn't have to pretend they didn't love each other. 

And they thought everything was all fine now, except for Hoseok of course, who kept gazing at Yoongi.

Jin intentionally coughed. "Namjoon, you're going to wash the dishes tonight." He crossed his arms.

Namjoon immediately looked up from his phone. "Wha-no, I was the one who made that dish last night." Taehyung scoffed at him. "Hyung, all you did was peel the onions and you didn't even peel the right ones."

"Excuse me, but let me tell you how much of a work it is to peel onions." Mr. IQ 148 snickered.

Yoongi nodded. "I agree." 

Hoseok noticed how his gummy-bear smile represented how sweet he was inside. He was alright even if Yoongi weren't his.

Because he had no hope. He would never get to call Yoongi his. He would never get to run his hands through his hair affectionately. He would never get to wake up with Yoongi by his side. And the worst part was that he knew it. 

"Don't you agree with anything that concerns washing dishes and onions?" Jin asked Yoongi, raising his left brow. "Anyway, no buts, Mr. IQ148. You're gonna do the dishes, and that's it."

Namjoon leaned forward. "No-wait, those onions weren't even-"

"I had told you how to dice it-" Jin argued.

He threw his hands in the air. "It's not MY fault I couldn't do-"

"If it isn't, then whose is-"

"What's going on?" An innocent voice made Yoongi remove his headphones. His eyes settled on Chaerin who was looking as clueless as possible. She looked vaguely confused, as her eyes were on Jin whose ears looked as red as a tomato.

Taehyung smiled. "Nothing. Just two grown-ass men fighting over onions."


Yoongi kicked Taehyung's leg under the table. He flinched because of the pain. "Ow, what did I do?" He asked in a low voice, making sure she couldn't hear it.

Yoongi internally face-palmed at his idiocy. "She'll think we're 6 silly crackheads."

"Aren't we though?"

"He's right." Jungkook agreed, stroking his leg gently, underneath the table, earning another boxy-smile from him.

Yoongi's eyes immediately shifted from the couple to her. Chaerin's brown silky hair cascaded down around her shoulders, her lips bubblegum pink due to the lip balm.

She immediately looked down at her phone when she received a message from an unknown number. He noticed how her eyes widened, how she bit her lip like she always did when she was nervous.

Yoongi got up from the chair, "Anything wrong?"

She remained silent, then showed him the message. For a moment, he remained calm and silent. Then he slightly clenched his jaw, hands balled into fists, staring at her phone.


 Unknown number: You know you don't deserve him, Chaerin. The next time I see you with him I won't hesitate to harm you. You have no less than eight days. Trust me when I say I won't even hesitate to fucking kill you. It's stupid in the first place that you're with him when I should be where you are now.


Sometimes, the hint of undeniable curiosity kills the fear.

And that's what Chaerin felt when she saw the message. Heartbeats were hammering against her chest, while the way she widened her eyes and her jaw went slack only confirmed one thing.

She definitely didn't have a clue who send her the text.

Chaerin didn't tell the rest of the group about it, but she knew who the girl (or so she assumed) was talking about.


She tucked her chin into her palms, sighing at the sight in front of her. Balls of scrunched paper scattered across the table, with a number of notebooks sprawled before her. The words she wanted to say were all gone.

Does she even like Yoongi?

Chaerin knows she's not watching dramas with Yoongi because of bribery. Somewhere, deep inside, she feels safe. She feels comfortable.

Most importantly, she doesn't feel lonely like she did her entire life.


That sweet, unforgettable voice makes her turn her head. The blue-haired boy's eyes soften, gazing at her. His head peeked through the door and she gestured for him to come inside.

Yoongi entered her room, sitting down next to her. "Are you okay?"

She gave a nonchalant shrug.

An exasperated sigh escaped his lips as he advised, "Don't think about it all the time. It's probably nothing other than a prank."

She nodded, biting her lower lip in apprehension.

He turned towards her. Yoongi knew the only reason for him to enter her house was watching dramas. If he confessed to her that Jin knew that he was the one who stole the letter from his locker, then they wouldn't have an excuse to meet each other.

Unless he would confess that he likes her.

But Yoongi knows very well he can't do that right now when she's disoriented and tired. He held her hand, looking in the opposite direction.

A trace of a smile played on her lips.

She squeezed his hand. "It's most probably a prank, just like you said."

"I thought something different," He admitted. "You know you don't have to do this, right?"

 We can remain as acquaintances, just like we were once before.

Chaerin furrowed her brows, tilting her head slightly. "Why would I?"

"I have too many dramas left to watch with you." She joked, earning a rare grin from him.



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 Updating might be slow. These days, I don't feel really good because I'm tensed due to the number of family issues I have. My health condition isn't great right now. But I'm thankful and would still update even if I only have one reader who reads it. Please pray for me. 

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