Chapter 1 Kara

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This takes place in season 2 where Mon-El did exist. But wasn't there. Kara didn't remember anything of him or thier past. The days continued where she kept remembering something of this unknown man she knew something was off about him.

As the days went on she kept seeing this man, the face wasn't clear. Everyone started noticing something was wrong with Kara. Even her friend Barry Allen.

"Kara are you okay?" He asks worried

"I'm fine, just a lot going on"

"Tell me what's up"

"I keep seeing visions of this man I don't even know."

"Huh that's werid" he replies in unknown tone. He grabs her hand and intertwine them. She pulls away and steps back.

"Do you know something about this??" She asks groaning in pain another vison shows up of the man.

"Kara what happened???"

"Another vision, sometimes it hurts, because whoever this is someone important."

"Kara but if they are hurting you, you should seek help. You could get seriously hurt. You could have it and not look where your going. You could run into the street and get hit by a car. Anything. If there's something about this man you need to find out."

"How Barry? No one will help me, they will think I'm crazy."

"Come on Kara, people aren't like that we live in a world where aliens and metahumans and supernatural happen. Besides you're supergirl."

"I haven't felt like supergirl since I woke up from that horrible dream."

"What dream? You never mentioned a dream?"

"I woke up in my room not remembering everything from an entire month. I kept seeing these people and things using me or some shit like that. Then I woke up again reliving it. That's when I knew something happened to me and it could have been all a dream. "

"Kara.... oh god I'm sorry" he tries to hug her.

"No no its fine bare and besides it was a long time ago. Anyway"

"How long ago was it?"

"4 months ago, now all I have is this fragment memories of this man."

"Kara it seems wrong your just letting this go and hurt you." He replies hugging her again.

"Barry stop! I'm fine ok??"

"Kara you're not ok.... you keep hiding behind your fine to not be actually fine. It's hurting you and one it's not gonna stop until you figure out this man. Or seek help Kara."

"You're right I'm not fine but I survived this for 4 months I can do it until I figure this out"

"Ok I'll let you do it but I'm here If you need someone."

Barry leaves and Kara goes home. She goes and be supergirl for the first time since 4 months.

"Damn it! Why can't I- shit!!" She yells flying up in the sky. She hears police sirens and people screaming she goes to that and hears Alex on the intercom.

"Hey Alex long time no see"

"Hey sis, you doing ok?"

"Yeah yeah... what's happening??"

"Theres a bomb on a train. We need you stop it."

"I'm on it!!" She sees a man with the bomb on him

"Dont do this please"

"Why not? I lost my daughter this is the only way I can save her"

"Your daughter wouldn't want you do this. Let me help you save you"

"You don't understand what it's like to lose someone you love."

Just as he said that a vison came to her she sees her losing the man saying the words "I love you."

Could this man truly love Kara could she actually love him could this all be real. She got back to reality and finally got to the man by saying.

"I recently lost someone I cared about I understand lost. I understand everything but your daughter wouldn't want you to do this. She would want you to keep going in life and live for her."

"You really think so?"

"Yes I do"

"I deserve to be with her, save everyone else but not me. I wanna be with my daughter."

"No don't- do that please." He blows himself up.

She got everyone to safety, she goes to back to her apartment and cleans her place it was a mess. She lifts up the couch and finds a notebook that says "the memories"
She opens it to only find a college of this man and her, accept this was clear the man was clear it wasn't just a blur anymore. Could she be getting closer to finding out who this is?

She sits down starting at it with tears of love and pain. Who was this man and how did it come to me that I would forget someone I loved so much. She thought still glancing at the college. She has another memory or vision of just her alone in her apartment looking to the other side of the bed. Where that man could have been. Was this real was he real? Was this this a dream was it not and something happened and she forgot he ever existed. What could happen if she finally figures out who this man is.

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