Chapter 5 will he ever forget?

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"Imra!!" Mon called from the hallways of the Legion HQ

"Yes Mon-El?" She said turing around angrily

"I'm sorry for acting like this, but it hurts me that Kara doesn't even remember me. I know it's to protect her but one, she's Supergirl! She's can keep it a secret either way."

"Mon I know, we based the legion off of her. Because of how she inspired you all those years ago. But it's time you forget her your not in the 21 century anymore fighting with her. You're with your team fighting hard to save our lives."

"I know ok maybe it's time I forget"

Back in the 21 century...



"You doing ok with losing your powers and everything?"

"I don't know I feel weak and learning about Mon-El has cost me this"

"Maybe it's for a reason"

"Why do you think that Alex?"

"Well once you found out about him you started losing things like maybe remembering him came with a price."

"Yeah maybe you're right, oh god now i can't believe this has happened all because I remembered a man I love!"

"Kara calm down"

"I... I can't calm down!!! I..." Her heat vision starts turing on.

"Kara please!!!"

"I TOLD YOU I CANT!!!" She fires her heat vision

She dodges it " Kara!! You need to calm down!!"

"Alex how many times have I said I literally can't!!!"

"Just breathe Kara breathe"

She yells in pain as she starts to panic. She gets a vision of one memory with Mon-El. She cries.

"Kara! Kara wake up" she saw the memory.

"Mon-El I can't wake up Mon-El" she said out loud. She gets back to reality.

"Another Vison?"

"Yeah it was different if felt more real I felt everything in that moment I was drowning. Mon-El was the one who made me wake up."

"Well your vitals jumped big time, when you were in the memory. Kara it's draining you with every memory you have it's just draining your powers minute by minute."

"I can't just stop they happen at random times"

" I know but try to control them somehow"

"How?? I've gotten this far why give up??" Kara said getting up

"Kara stay back down,  and you aren't thinking clearly you. Need to be really careful this isn't gonna go ok if you die trying to remember Mon-El"

"Fine ok ok, I will be careful I'm gonna go home and rest."

"Thats good and make sure you take care of yourself for me Kara please?"

" I will I promise love you Alex" she leaves

"God I just want my sister back" she mutters.

"Hey Alex you ok?" Maggie said from behind her hugging her

"Yeah just worried about Kara she's acting very different lately"

"She'll get better she always does."

At Kara apartment......

She was just drinking some hot coco when all the sudden she gets a sudden memory of the exact same scene. Hearing a knock on the door and seeing it was Alex. The whole memory of was on her earth birthday. This faint memory of them talking about Mon-El and how she said he was complicated. Little she she know of what was about to happen.

She suddenly gets a memory of this very couch of them sharing a kiss and more. The memories kept flowing in and out of her. She get out of it and falls unconscious....

Promise to write more next chapter hope you enjoy this!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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