Chapter 2

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The afternoon session came faster than they anticipated, seems to smooth down the tension a bit after a mortifying secret exchange. Though he's still watching over Shu, on the sidelines fully engaged in correcting the errors Zac pointed about the song lyrics. The others, apart from Valt, speculate nothing once they got back, all seems going just fine.

Valt just ran up and ask him why were they late, nothing the blond cannot answer...with lies. It worked wonders, classroom trouble over some lost item that Shu helped him with. The albino swoops in and goes along with his lousy excuse.

Can't deny a work coming from the council president...

Meanwhile, Free distracts himself, borrowing the guitar to play a simple tune while Shu is busy with the lyrics, distracting himself from thinking of...that...

Hard to get over something so ridiculous yet true...

Music is a pretty good cure nonetheless, he played along with the other band, waiting for Shu to finish their piece as they would be the highlight of the event. Singing is a very hard talent to have when you aren't in the rhythm side, which Free is genuinely a part of.

Closing his eyes would let his heart control his hands and strum the instrument, favoring their old love song.

Strumming into the chorus of 'Perfect' became a hobby, reminding him of Shu's perfection. They can say Shu is a prostitute now,'s not his fault why he turns around...

Shu is an orphan after all...just like someone else he knows...

It can be helped no one is there by his side for him to let loose the real him anymore, Free left him and he truly trusts his friends, but entrusting them with something so serious is difficult...good friend, great friend, best friend whatever, that doesn't matter.

Sadness, guilt, stress, anger, all bottled up inside for many years, only been released because of Free's encouraging words and company...filling his needs of attention and he's gone...never to be taken care of by anyone else other than his own...

He didn't leave physical pain, but mental pain...

He just left him alone...

Not on Free's own accord, he must add, their reason for breaking up is very rocky...very hard to tell what really triggers...

Hard to explain in words or on paper...

Something he's been asking himself over and over to why...?

That same question never leaves him...why love a woman like that? Why? What is his reason? Did he really just fall for a beggar who turned entitled after tasting the life of wealth?

Fucking hell, can he even be able to properly love a person without issue?

Free's mind swung all over the place...

As it did, his guitar game went out of tune. His pain, his own pain, going through the strumming...his eyes began to water. At the feeling of that hot wet tear, he turned away from the small audience he had going on as he played. All were concerned for his sudden turn, stop of the beat.

"Y'all right De la Hoya?" Despite only knowing Free from the top list of model students, one got the bravery to ask, and on a down mood would result in a cold shoulder in return.

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