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Time left: 6 days.

Waiting outside the teachers' offices is embarrassing. As you slowly make your way to your inevitable death, you find your motivation dwindling down. Preparation for year 3 and the future just doesn't seem like a problem to you since you're only living for six more days.

Your teacher called you here so they could discuss your failure to complete your life plan, but they haven't shown up yet. The other teachers watch you awkwardly wait outside for your teacher, but don't say anything to you.

As you scroll through your phone trying to kill some time, you hear a familiar voice. You look up and see the ace and setter for your school's volleyball club walking through the hallway. They are still in their school uniforms, even though their practice starts soon.

"Oh l/n, hey!" Bokuto says when he sees you, "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"Yea, I just haven't had time to go watch your practices," you lie.

"Come and watch today then, if you have time though," Bokuto suggests.

The ace glances over at Akaashi to see his reaction, he knows something happened between you two, but isn't sure what it is. He just knows Akaashi has somehow been more emotionless lately, and just when Bokuto noticed apathy-kun was getting less apathetic. When Akaashi doesn't react, Bokuto pouts a little. The guard around his emotions this time is the strongest one yet.

"Oh I still have to talk to my teacher, so I'm not sure if I can," you reply.

The entire time you've been talking to Bokuto, Akaashi was avoiding looking at you and patiently waited for Bokuto to finish talking to you. He knows what Bokuto is trying to do, but Akaashi won't let him find out about his failed confession. He also knows something is wrong with you. Ever since that night where he confessed, something has been irritating him about how you reacted to it. He isn't mad you rejected him, he couldn't care less about that, as long as you're happy, he will be too. But you don't look happy to him, he sees through your lies and fake smiles and notices the pain you hide in your eyes.

"How about after you're done talking to your teacher then? I'm sure it won't be long. Yukie and Kaori miss having you around," the ace mentions.

"I have a bunch of tests and homework tomorrow. I'm sorry."

"Aw it's okay then," Bokuto pouts a little. He could tell you aren't feeling comfortable by his repeated requests to watch their practice so he gives up. He looks over at Akaashi and gives him a mental apology since he couldn't help him. "Well we would get going now. We'll see you later l/n."

You give them a smile and wave as they continue walking to their practice. Your teacher shows up moments later and apologizes for his tardiness. He takes you to his desk and you discuss the life plan.

"You just have to complete it," he states, "Is there any problem that is preventing you from finishing it?"

"No," you lie, "When is the latest I have to give it to you?"

"Next Monday is fine, so you'll have the entire week to make a decision about your future. Make sure to discuss your decisions with your parents and really reflect on what you want to do."

You give him a smile and take the sheet from him. You walk out of the teacher's lounge after you say goodbye to him and blankly stare at the paper. You figure that you still don't have to complete it since your challenge will end in less than a week.

Walking outside the building, you pass the gym and take a peek inside to see the volleyball team. You smile a little as you see Konoha slapping Bokuto's back. He must've said or done something dumb again. You leave before anyone could spot you standing by the door and start walking home. It is still pretty bright outside even though the sun started to make its descent. Reds and oranges mixed with the blue sky making a beautiful ombré. You look up at the fluffy clouds and watch them gently move through the sky. Children pass you on their bikes as you continue walking by. Their cheerful smiles warm your heart as they live out their days as an adolescent.

When you reach home, you make yourself a quick meal and go straight to your room after eating. You take a seat at your desk and cross off today's date on your calendar.

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