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We had been walking due west all morning and my feet were aching. It had been a long time since I had journeyed cross country and my body was not accustomed to the terrain. Although there had been light conversation at the beginning of our walk, it had long since run out.

I had been surprised by how well I slept last night. It was better than the night I spent in the clubhouse for sure. Angel's arms had made a good pillow and Nestor's cocoon had kept me warm all night. When I woke up, I found I had turned to face Nestor and he had wrapped his arms around my waist protectively. I shouldn't admit it but I had enjoyed the entanglement.

"I'm so thirsty." Angel complained and I had to agree with him.

"Let me know if you see any cacti." I said before thinking. "And that bush from last night."

"There's a tree right here." Coco called out and I followed his voice to the shrub.

I felt the leaves of the branch hanging from the tree before snapping one and smelling the sap. I pulled off a branch and pushed it between the handles of my bag.

"It's dragon's blood, not the right one but still useful to have. Easy to tell by the colour of its sap when you cut it." I said pointing to where I snapped the branch off.

I knew red blood-like sap would be running down from the trees wound. My father had showed me years before, when he was teaching me what the land had to offer, if we only looked.

"Get your butt up there and pick the fruit if you want breakfast." I said smacking Coco on the backside as I walked past him.

"Yeah, get climbing Terk." Angel called out laughing.

"Shut up Angel." Coco growled as he climbed up the tree. "Come and help."

Angel made his way to help while I found a semi comfortable spot to sit. Nestor's shoes crunched on the rocks as he came over before sitting down beside me. It was a companionable silence we sat in as we waited for the other two to pick some fruit.

"How far do you think we have walked?" I asked Nestor after a while.

"15 miles perhaps. We won't be able to keep up this pace though, not unless we find water." He said and I heard rhythmic clicks as he tossed pebbles at the same spot.

"If we find a creosote bush, we can drink from a cactus."

"I'm glad you're with us." He said. "Not that we would be here if it wasn't for you."

I laughed at his light tone and elbowed him gently. "You're welcome." I said sarcastically.

"Beavis and Butt-Head look like they are nearly done." He said as I heard boots come our way. "It's a sad day for us men when we are the gatherers and you're the hunter."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you still have your guns to make you feel tough." I said laughing.

"You're like a chihuahua, you know." He started. "All little and cute, then you turn feral and bite."

"That's bullshit." Angel said as he sat down with us. "She's a fierce lioness, ain't that right leona."

"Is there anything that isn't a four legged animal?" I asked feigning offence.

"How 'bout goddess?" Coco asked and I heard Angel making smooching noises at him. "At least I didn't call her an animal like you assholes."

"She likes leona." Angel said defending himself.

"Do you actually?" Coco asked and I put my hands up.

"Leave me out of your squabble boys." I said. "Just pass me some fruit. The cute little animal is hungry."

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