Kageyama~ Bookshop

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You both stepped out of his car once you had arrived at a strip of shops.

"Here," Kageyama said, attempting to hide his face by looking away from you.

You looked down to see that he was offering you his sweatshirt, which would inevitably be way too big on you. A grin spread across your cheeks before you graciously accepted, and pulled it over your head. It smelled just like him, the same comforting fresh (and slightly manly) smell you had grown used to. 

You looked up to the bright blue sky above you. It was a beautiful day, and spending that time walking along main street with your boyfriend was just what you needed. 

"Let's go in here!" you called, pulling him into one of your favorite bookshops.

It was a cozy place that had splitting wood and bookshelves stacked corner to corner with any books that would fit, some even stacked horizontally on top of the books, to save space. There were only a few tables to sit at, but considering that it wasn't a very busy place normally, it was just the right amount. 

"Hey Y/N!" the bookkeeper called to you.

He knew you from the countless times you had come with coffee or hot cocoa to study or find new books. "

Hey, Mr. Shiker!" you said, pulling Kageyama by the hand to the back of the shop. 

There, you both looked for interesting books. You spotted a blue-covered book on the highest shelf, with an interesting title. Even stretching as far as you could on your tiptoes, you were just barely out of reach. A strong hand grabbed the book before you could. Sensing the presence behind you, you spun around quickly. Kageyama gave you a small but genuine smile before handing it to you and returning to the other side of the shelf to continue looking for books. A blush spread across your cheeks. 

You hadn't realized how late it had gotten until you glanced out a nearby window and watched the sunset, sitting next to Kageyama reading.

"Hey, come on with me," Kageyama said, taking you by the hand and pulling you out of the shop to get some fresh air, just as the sun had completely set. 

(Copy and paste this to listen to while reading the rest of the chapter) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fE6fiJJFHA&list=PLTknNbqjU3sDa7olJhIy-zvNMFb87nwqE&index=2

As you walked along the street together in the moonlight, a slow rain steadily began to pour down. Soft music played around the streets from a shop getting near to closing, and the cozy glow of the streetlights lit your path. Already soaking, he reached a hand out to you.

 "May I have this dance?" he asked. 

You took his hand and he respectfully put a hand on your waist and the other held your hand. Together you slow danced around an empty parking lot, the rain growing heavier.

 At the climax of the song, you looked at him and before thinking, brushed your lips against his. Happily, he joined in. But, instead of a harsh kiss, you both were steady and continuous, enjoying the time together. The cold water dousing you was contrasted with your shared heat. 

It still wasn't clear if you'd dreamed this moment to life, but there was raw emotion in the way his fingers curled around yours. Kageyama kept his eyes half-open, sneaking a guilt peek at you every time he came back for air, just to make sure this wasn't a product of his imagination. 

Continuing to dance around the sidewalks in the blurry fairy lights, he dipped you just in time with the song to strengthen the kiss. So close to him, you inhaled his wet scent again and used a hand to hold his face, letting two fingers sit just below his sharp jawline.

 In response he pulled a hand to your face as well, using the other to continue holding you up. His hand snuck its way into your soaked hair and pushed a few strands out of your face. 

You could only focus on how soft he felt against your mouth, how addictively he invaded all your senses.

"I love you so much, Y/N," he said against your lips. 

"I love you too, Kags," you said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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