~✿Chapter 1✿~

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You couldn't describe the feelings you felt when you saw him but your heart beat faster than normal and you could feel your cheeks blush. "..Wow..," Fatgum said. You both snapped out of the glance as you laughed. He was as red as a tomato. " O-Oh C-Christ I didn't mean to say that out loud," he covered his blushing cheeks with his arm. "It's okay I think you're pretty 'wow' too ," you said which made him blush even more. You took the bandage from his large hand and started wrapping your thigh. " T-That looks like a pretty bad wound you should head to the hospital in fact I'll tell the police to call an ambulance right now," He gets up and quickly walks towards the police. "Wait I- , shit I don't have time for this," you said. You quickly wrapped your thighs and used your katana to stand. You looked at the time 5:56. SHIT RIKUS GONNA KILL ME IF IM LATE AGAIN. You walked using your katana help ease the pain from your leg. As you disappeared into the crowd you wondered if you would ever encounter Fatgum again.

[Fatgum's POV]
As He hurried away to go request  for an ambulance He could hear her say something. But he was to embarrassed to turn around. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT TAISHIRO A PRETTY LADY STARES AT YOU AND ALL YOU COULD SAY WAS WOW. He scolded myself for making a mediocre impression. "U-Uh Fatgum," Tamaki asked the blushing hero. " What is it Suneater," He replied shaking himself from his thoughts . " d-did something h-happen between you and that lady? C-Cause you l-look a bit f-flustered," he said still holding the villain in his tentacle fingers. "F-Flustered I'm not flustered w-why would I be flustered it's not like anything really happened " he blurted . " A-Anyways we need to call an ambulance f-for her it's a pretty bad wound and I don't want it getting infected," he states. Tamaki released the villain as the police handled him into the car. The purple haired boy turns to where you were supposed to be only to find you gone. " F-Fatgum I don't think w-we need that ambulance anymore," he says. Fatgum stops talking to the police officer and turns around. "What do yo- ," a sense of guilt filled his stomach. "Shit," he muttered.

You checked the time again 6:02 you were standing at the place Riku told you to be at. You were panting wiping a bit of sweat off your forehead. " Yo," he said smiling, " you okay ? You look like you just ran from across town ?" You caught your breath and nodded. You looked at him and your vision went blurry. Shit. You stumbled to stand up right. Riku noticed your leg and panicked " Y/N WHAT THE HELL .. Y-YOUR LEG..Shit Shit shit we need to get you to a hospital right now." He bent down in front of you . " hurry up get on I don't want you walking on it ," he insisted. You complied and got on his back. He attached your katana to his waist so it wouldn't fall. He sprinted towards the nearest hospital. You were in and out of conscious and you couldn't help but laugh. It felt like dejavú. "Oí you better not die me," Riku said. You could see the hospital, it was only a couple blocks ahead. " haha... I don't plan on dying .. till I feel like it," you replied closing your eyes. " Good that's what I like to hear ," he said. He ran into the hospital asking for a doctor to help. Nobody replied. There he saw a tall round hero at the front desk. He cut in front of him asking the nurse for a doctor to treat you. " Please her leg is injured and if it's not treated properly I'm afraid she'll bleed out," he said. The nurse looked at you and immediately called for a stretcher to take you to a room. "Sir if you aren't related to her we cannot allow you to be in the room with her alone," the nurse said. " I'm her older brother," Riku stated. You chuckled mentally. Ha yea right never in a million years would I be related to this jackass you thought. Fatgum finally spoke " Ah thank goodness you brought her." Riku turned around facing the tall hero. " She was attacked by a villain but she ran away before we could call an ambulance so I came to see if she'd already admitted herself in ," he sighed.
You opens your eyes and you could barely make out the tall yellow hero. You smiled at him and he smiled back. Riku on the other hand was a bit more defensive. " Oi idiot did you really leave before the ambulance came," he scolded you . You froze knowing he was gonna make you train your ass off for this. "I...uhh I can explain it's just cause last time I was late.. you made me run around Osaka twice, " you said with with a ghostly pale face. " hmm So you're saying it's my fault," Riku said in a menacing tone. " Ah no.. Well.. yes but-," you stuttered. "Sir please set her on the stretcher." The nurse said interrupting you. Fatgum couldn't help but chuckle at your little quarrel with Riku. As you were pulled away into a room a doctor came shortly after. " Good evening my name is Dr. Brook I'll be taking care of you," he said adjusting his glasses. " If I could please have your name," he asked. "Y/N Takeko ," you replied. " alright I will now begin treating you wound please tell me if you feel any sort of discomfort." He used a scalpel to tear the cloth from your pants to reveal the gun shot wound. " I'll need to put you under anesthesia to properly address the wound," he said. Nurses rushed in and a mask was placed on your face. " Now Ms Takeko what is your favorite color," the doctor asked while turning on the machine to start the gas flowing into your mask. " my favorite color is..." you inhaled the gas putting you to sleep almost instantly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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