"Would You Be So Kind"

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꧁ Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader ꧂

. . . . . ╰──╮✧・゚: *✧・゚:*╭──╯ . . . . .


the referred boy sighed loudly, "yes (y/n)?"

"I like you~" she smiled widely, waiting for the boy to respond. "I know," he said as he continues to do his homework, the girl pouts while furrowing her eyebrows. She rests her head on the palm of her hands while observing the boy's facial structure.

Just staring at him makes her heartbeat fasten, if it wasn't because of the loud chattering of the cafe and the sounds of spoons and plates clattering, Iwaizumi must've heard the sound of her heart trying to jump out of her chest.

She confessed numerous times but the boy either shrugs it off or just "okay"- ed every confession.

The girl sighs loudly, her eyes then darts back to the open textbook in front of her. After a few minutes of staring, Iwaizumi suddenly straighten his back then put down his pencil.

"Alright, I'm done..." (y/n) eye's widened. "Aww... I'm still on number 3...", "Out of 15?! God... (y/n), these questions are not that hard!".

(y/n) furrowed her eyebrows again, "Says the one who aces all the math tests, I mean... I'm fine with you being the ace in volleyball, but why do you need to be the ace in math too?!" She groans loudly then accidentally banged her head a little too hard on the table, surprising the boy in front of her.


Iwaizumi smile softly at the sight before returning to his natural stoic expression. "Don't hit your head too hard or you might damage your brain idiot!" He said before leaning closer to her. He lifts her head with both hands and cups her face softly.

He delicately brushed off her bangs, observing the red mark on her forehead, creating almost zero distance between the two of them. (y/n) could feel her cheeks and her ears become hotter, the fluttering feeling intensifies inside her stomach as if butterflies threatening to burst out.

But that scene only happens in just mere seconds before he retreats to his original position. Puling his extended arm back.

"Okay, let's just get on with your homework and go home, I have practice this evening," he said while looking at her work. (y/n)'s face still feels like it's burning, "y...yeah."

After tutoring her for about an hour, (y/n)'s homework is finally done. She stretches her arms up, throwing her pencil onto the table. She leans back to her chair lazily, eyeing the finished work in front of her.

"I should get going, practice starts in 10 minutes." The boy said, glancing at his watch then shoving his books inside his bag.

Iwaizumi bid her goodbye after packing his stuff. Hearing the door open and closing again indicates that Iwa had left. The girl rests her head on the table, she can't stop thinking why he kept brushing off her confessions as if he doesn't care.

She sighs heavily and rested her head on the table, thoughts occupying her mind before she spoke softly to herself, "would you be so kind as to fall in love with me?"


"Nice kill Iwa-chan!" The well-known captain cheered.

Oikawa held his hands up, high-fiving the ace as their last attack went in. Wrapping the whole game with their team's win

The practice continued till sundown, all the players were drenched in sweat as they approach the water bottles and towels from the sidelines.

Iwaizumi fished his own from his duffle bag, he wipes the sweat on his forehead, face, and hair, before draping the towel on his neck. Gulping down the water then sat down.

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