"Together Again"

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꧁ Koushi Sugawara x Reader ꧂

. . . . . ╰──╮✧・゚: *✧・゚:*╭──╯ . . . . .

THERE SHE IS, standing in the middle of the flowery paradise. Oh so beautiful, just like he remembers. Turning her back to face him, she smiles.

"Koushi! There you are! " He jumbles upward, still shocked at the sight of his lover, with the same adorable features that he adores so much.

"Koushi? Are you okay? Have you been staying up late working on teaching materials again? *sigh* How many times should I tell you? Don't overwork yourself! "

The same voice, the same expression, the same tone.

The silver-haired boy quickly stands to his feet, rushing to stand up, falling a few times before finally getting up and reaching out to her.

The sight of her makes his heart ache. After years of her absence in his life, here she is now. Standing right in front of him, no hint of injuries or sickness. Healthy as she can be.

She looks up at him with confused eyes, curious to see his next step.

His vision blurs, tears prickle at the edge of his eyes. ready to pour out and express all of the boy's heart content like an open faucet.

Days of them being together in the past flash in his mind. The memories came back as if to remind him of all the great times they had spent together.

|| It was the first day of school when he first met her. They were introducing themselves, and she accidentally mispronounced her name. ||

He briefly chuckles at the memory. She was adorably clumsy sometimes, and even though she still managed to laugh it out and continue the day as if it had never happened.

|| They become friends when Suga catches her drawing him in the middle of his practice ||

She always enjoys drawing and painting. Whatever image intrigues her, she'll embed it on paper or a canvas. She was lively and imaginative, and Suga adored that part of her.

|| When he first asked her out, it was a bit quirky and funny. The nervousness inside Suga made him spit out incoherent words instead of a confession, which confused the girl. And at the end, they both laughed it all out. ||

She was the one for him, and Suga would not ask for anything more than her. She was perfect and knew they meant it for each other.

What they had was everything a person could dream of in a relationship. Their bond was strong and they both cherished every moment they spent together.

But one day,

Suga had to face the harsh reality that his loved ones were gone.

He was holding onto his phone tightly, anxiously pacing in front of an operating room. Waiting for any miracle to happen.

If it wasn't for him having to work overtime, she wouldn't have had to ride a cab home and get into an accident.

If it wasn't for him apologizing to her for not being with her at that time she needed him, she would still be here now. They are probably having dinner while telling each other how their days went.

He prayed to any holy being that exists for them to look upon the two and pity them. Maybe then they'll consider saving the girl from her critical condition.

But when the doctor stepped out of the operating room, Suga immediately felt uneasy. The doctor took off his mask, and his solemn expression gave Suga a hint of what had happened inside the operating room.

But the small hope inside of the boy pushes him to ask the doctor.

"Doc, how is she doing? How's my wife? I... Is she all right? "

The doctor went silent, no words leaving his mouth as he tucked both lips in, forming a thin line. He sighs heavily before placing both hands on his shoulders. Looking at Suga in the eyes

The wrinkles on the side of his eyes became a bit more visible, his brows knitted and the corners of his mouth formed a frown.

Everything happened so fast. The minute Suga heard that his wife was now gone, he immediately forced himself into the operating room. He was thrashing around, screaming, and crying just so that he could see his lover.

And ever since then, he has become numb. For a while, he couldn't feel other emotions and feelings aside from sadness and pain.

He had taken down all the photos of them from the wall and hadn't opened the gallery on his phone.

The sight of her pains him, as if putting lemon juice on an open wound. It deeply hurts him.

He kept overworking himself to the brim of losing himself in his work, just to distract him from the pain.

And now here he is, reaching out to the person he had loved for years, trying to grasp the image of her, to confirm that she was not an illusion.

He stopped right in front of her. He was panting heavily, trying to catch his breath. His hand shakily lifted to touch her, hovering above her blossoming cheek. He was scared to lay a finger on her.

But then, (y/n) leans into his hand. holding his hand in place. The boy rounded his eyes as his heart skipped a beat. The girl plants a kiss on his palm, assuring him that he can touch her.

A surge of euphoria hits him, and he finds himself latching onto the girl. He squeezed her tightly. Tears flowed out of his eyes like a waterfall. He sobbed in the crook of her neck, repeating the word "sorry" over and over again.

(y/n) tenderly caress his back. smoothing the wrinkles and folds in his clothing. All she did was stand there with him as he started to ramble out incoherent words. probably apologize again.

The girl pricked him off of her. She looked at him in the eyes and said

Don't blame yourself. I don't blame you, Koushi. The past is in the past; what matters now is that we're together again, "

She pulled his forehead to touch hers, and at that moment, Suga finally felt relieved.

Because now, they're together again.


Cries of sorrow are the only thing that can be heard inside the room. None had foreseen this outcome, even though they knew Suga was under a lot of stress.

Daichi and Asahi kept sobbing beside the tombstone, Suga's name beautifully carved on the smooth surface of the stone.

Kiyoko hid her face on Tanaka's shoulder as tears continuously poured out of her eyes, while her husband also teared up in silence.

Noya, who had heard the news, quickly came back to Japan. But the moment he saw the grave with Suga's name on it, he immediately turns his back, refusing to accept the fact that his former senior had passed away.

Hinata and Kageyama sent gifts to Suga's parents, apologizing that they can't attend the funeral due to a game overseas.

At the funeral, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Yachi also attended. Yamaguchi still couldn't believe that Suga was gone while Yachi had cried her heart out.

Family and friends had questioned Asahi and Daichi about Suga's decision to end his life. And all they can say is,

"He searched for happiness, and sadly, death is the only way he could finally grasp it."

. . . . . ╰──╮✧・゚: *✧・゚:*╭──╯ . . . . .

[A/N: This is kinda shitty but hopefully y'all enjoy it! Thanks for reading!!!]


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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