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You guys go buy food and drinks in Hogsmade.
You go and walk for a bit. All the time you think how to tell him.

You guys arrive. Set the picnic. He is so hungry and starts eating right away. After eating he takes a special W box.
Fred,, Hey y/n I wanted to tell you something a very long time but i didnt know how to tell you because i dont think you feel the same"
y/n ,, I actually wanted to tell you somethin aswell actually"
Fred,, so i guess i will start? So we have been good friends from the first day but latley I have been feeling something more than friendship. Y/n I love you, I understand if you dont feel the same but-"
y/n ,, Wait really? I actually feel the same and i just didnt know how to tell you!"

Fred hugs and kisses you. You guys cuddle and you fell asleep in his hands.

Next up ,,Common Room"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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