Chapter 1: Newcomers

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The dragon woman distraught over her past mistakes escapes to Artimè in search of savior from herself. She flies into the corridors of the beautiful mansion and looks around, her eyes falling on a masterpiece of Marcus Today. As tears fly down the dragon woman's face she regrets. She regrets the harm she has inflicted on her brother's people, due to a little childhood problem. The dragon woman thinks about the boy...Alex. How could she let herself get to this? Murder? She thought of the young Emma taunting her, staring at her. She thought about Eagala throwing her old notebooks and journals into a corner. And the Revinir fell to her knees in front of her brother's portrait and wept, wept for forgiveness for she could no longer drown in her regret and sorrows. Then, the dragon-woman saw it. A paperclip sat on the grass miles away outside near the bay. It was a component. She heard from Thisbe's mutterings that with the words: Die a thousand deaths, it was lethal. She spread her wings carefully so as to not disturb her brother's painting and flew quickly to it. She grabbed it in her long talon-like nails and pointed it at the underbelly of her skin. The words were the voice of the young Emma excited to be free. "Die a thousand deaths." And so, the war ceased. Dragons turned to their minds. And the young Lukas Ranger sat a dozen feet away in horror. As, the woman fell to the ground writhing in pain and gasping for breath. Even though the boy knew she didn't deserve it, he ran over to her and whispered in her ear "Thank you." 

 The Armiteans headed home. They brought their dead with them. They would no bury their dead in a land that isn't theirs. Aaron Stowe looked around and assessed their situation. Henry Haluki was killed in battle. He was killed in a such horrible way. Torn in two right in front of his sister's eyes. Sean Ranger, torched and killed by a dragon from an unknown land. They headed home, desperate to mourn, and to finally have peace. Lukas, still in tears about his father, broke the news to the warriors. About the Revinir's actions. This put Thisbe a little at ease, because the dragon woman left in peace and felt remorse for the monster she had become. But the Armitean's peace isn't left for long. Sky died from loss of blood. Without the head of the medical ward, they didn't get to her in time. At least, she would see Alex again. Weeks passed, burials were made. Respects were paid and everybody in Artimè once more mourned in their own way. But, on a cloudy Tuesday morning a huge blast was heard in the sky. And someone came down from the huge blast. A figure of a person. As this person got closer, more and more features became recognizable. Brown locks, brown eyes, a bright red robe, a pencil. It was a boy that looked quite similar to the very own Aaron Stowe. But as Aaron Stowe himself stared into the newcomer's eyes he took a huge breath. The pain in his side no longer tortured him. It was his other side. Kaylee was the other piece to his heart. While the newcomer was his other half. The very own, Alexander Stowe. 


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