Chapter 3: Don't Die!

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As the two boys explained to the winged beast the situation, a young woman awoke in her room with a start. Fifer Stowe. Fifer had just woken up from a nightmare. A boy and a girl in a boat. The boy, identical to her beloved brothers and a girl, hair the color of fire. Simber, riding in front and a little to the right of them, with a brooding look on his face. In a instance, Simber fell to the sea, the boat sputtered and stopped working, and the two humans were sprung into the water. As she watched the girl sink closer and closer to the bottom of the sea, unable to swim to the surface, due to her unconscious state, Fifer started to worry. This girl was Meghan Ranger, sister to Sean Ranger, friend to Lani, Samheed, Sky, and Alex. Fifer noticed, the metal thorns around the girl's neck were the same of Warbler's. Fifer watched as the boy, who she knew to be her brother Alex, pulled the girl to the surface, and started frantically swimming forward, desperate to get to land. These nightmares were no mystery to Fifer. She had been having them for weeks now. Her brother's lives were being told to her, like one of Samheed's plays. She watched them at the Purge, and realized how horrible it really was. She wished never to experience something like it. Every time she plunged into another nightmare, her feelings grew more and more conflicted. She had forgiven Alex, and now realized, she didn't deserve an apology, he did. And he wasn't here to get one. Fifer closed her eyes, keeping the tears that were welled up in her eyes, from coming out. She wanted to scream and throw something. She wanted to curse the stupid Revinir for everything she did to her family and Artime. Fifer grabbed her pillow, and thrust her head into and muffled the sobs now escaping her. Her relationship with Thisbe was better, but was it the same? And her dear grandfather Ishibashi. Death, death, and more death. When was it going to end? When was the torture going to end? Too much death, too much war, too much heartbreak, too much loss, on mere children. As much as these things forced everyone to grow up, every single Unwanted was still a child at heart. They were hurt and wronged so many times but they still stayed positive. They fought till the bloody end. It hurt Fifer, thinking about all the families torn apart, all the poor people murdered, to save their land, friends... , and  family.

As Fifer clutched her pillow and cried, thinking about the darkness in the world, light returned into Simber's. A reunion, between a young man and a stone cheetah with wings. Alex grasped onto Simber's neck and Simber's muzzle rubbed against Alex's arm. A tear fell from the beast's cheek, and Alex was already crying. Aaron couldn't help but tear up. 

"Guys.. stop it. You're making me cry too." Aaron said, using his sleeve to wipe his eyes. Alex chuckled, but stopped abruptly his breath stopping for a moment. "Uh. Hey Al. You good?" Aaron asked, worried about his brother's change of facial expression. "I'm fine. But uh.. someone's coming." He answered, looking into his brother's eyes. It was a girl, her hair styled into a pixie cut and her hands in her jeans. She was looking at them, her eyes squinting, trying to adjust to the sudden light. "Okay. You boys better tell me what the hell is going on here. Cause all I know is some magic voodoo is going on and Alex is back from the dead. And Simber is crying, which is slightly disturbing. Now talk." She said, taking her hands out her pockets and crossing them. It was Carina Fathom, or should we say Holiday. And she wanted to know what on earth was going on. Alex stuttered and Carina smiled. she came closer and hugged him. "I'm really glad your back. We've all missed you. A lot of stuff happened." "I know. I was watching. I'm happy I'm back. And I'm here to stay." They both smiled. "Alex.." The cat said. "Yeah?"

"When will you announce your return?" Simber said, his voice filled with a softness it hadn't held in a few weeks. 

Alex pondered a few moments and finally said "In the morning. When everybody's awake." The others nodded and Alex took a deep breath. Well I'm going to head to bed if you don't mind. Is my old room in the boys hall taken? Or is there somewhere I can stay?" "What are you talking about. You're going to your room. Your room in the secret hallway." Aaron said. "But, I'm not head mage anymore.." Alex, said, his face blank and unreadable. "In our eyes, you are. So go head to bed. You'll need it if you'll see everybody tomorrow. Goodnight brother." "Night Aaron." Aaron tapped his fist to his chest, in salute, meaning 'I am with you." Alex smiled, and saluted him back. Carina said goodbye to Alex and saluted him as well, as did Alex back. Simber nodded at him and Alex retreated to the not-a-secret-anymore hallway. He walked into his room, dusted off and sat down in a chair. The blackboard screen lit up and a familiar face came on. Alex's back was turned and did not see the screen light up. "I told you not to die you dolt." 

Alex spun around and saw the blackboard lit up. It was Clive. Clive, his annoying blackboard that he grew to care about, that died, years prior. Alex's mouth fell open and he ran to run the screen. "I'm a blackboard you dolt. I can't hug you back. But its nice to see you again." Clive said, a tear running down his electronic cheek. Alex started crying again. He couldn't help it. Seeing Aaron, Simber, and Carina was amazing. But seeing Clive, who had actually died was extremely comforting. For two hours, Alex and Clive spoke. For Clive, it was if time paused. He didn't realize years had passed. Alex told him about what he saw, beyond life, what he saw in death. At about six in the morning, Alex told Clive he would go to Mr.Today's office, in other words, his own, and would come back in a few minutes. As he walked out the door, he heard the familiar "Don't Die!" From Clive and Alex smiled. Alex responded, saying "Same goes for you." And he walked out of the room.


Hi everyone. I apologize for my absence. I was in a car accident with my brother and was in the hospital. I wasn't able to use my laptop, due to personal reasons, and I was forced to use my brothers. I didn't have my password, as it was saved on my laptop, and had slipped through my memory. The email on my account was longer available to use so I could not sign in at all. I had to contact Wattpad Support and with some help, I got my account back. I have finals starting Monday. So I'll be heavily studying the next few days. I'll try to update when I'm supposed to from now on out. But, some good news. When my finals are finished (July 5) I'll start uploading daily. So expect an upload daily from July 6 to about August 25. I posted this today, Thursday, another will come out over the weekend, and then again on Tuesday, and so on until July 6th. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience and I thank you for reading. - Sierra

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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